MU Online Official



Introducing MU Guru!


Announcing MU Guru!


Greetings Mutizens,

As we all know MU Volunteers have been doing a fantastic job helping out the community.

So it is our great pleasure to announce MU Guru to all of you today. We have selected 5 MU Volunteers who have shown outstanding performance, and promoted them to become MU Gurus. Please welcome,



1) How did you get to know MU Online?

I started playing MU back in 2003 and there wasn't much in game  then but it was new and fun. Full of clueless newbies and dungeon1 full of people :P   I met a lot of awesome people, some of them became my close friends in life. We learnt MU together, helped each other, watched the game change and shape. It's nice to see that MU still growing and keep on developing. :) The best way to know the game is to play it with other players!


2) What do you enjoy most being a MU Volunteer (Guru)?

The most enjoyable thing in being MU V is the feeling after reported problems by us   being looked at and finally fixed. Being myself a player too, I understand how frustrating some issues with the game can be (hey I used to rant a lot...), and being able to help and contribute now to make a difference for people who want enjoy MU makes me feel good!

3) Any last comment?

Milk and chocolate helped me to deal with KS and PK wars! No, really... this is a game, have FUN!


danemat** (English/Portuguese)

1) How did you get to know MU Online?


In 2003, I worked in cyber cafe and some guys came asking me to install a new MMORPG called MU Online. I started to play with people at that cyber and now, I have 7 years of history, friendship, happiness and fun! :)


Em 2003, eu trabalhava em uma lan house e alguns garotos vieram e pediram pra instalar na lan um jogo chamado MU Online. Comecei a jogar com eles e agora, tenho 7 anos de histórias, amizade, felicidade e diversão! :)


2) What do you enjoy most being a MU Volunteer (Guru)?


I like to help people with their problems, even that ones that I can’t solve. See people playing happy, having fun is something priceless. I wish that everyday we have more people having fun with the game.


Eu gosto de ajudar as pessoas com seus problemas, até mesmo os que eu não posso resolver. Ver as pessoas jogarem felizes, se divertindo é algo impagável. Eu desejo que todos os dias nós tenhamos mais pessoas se divertindo com o jogo.


3) Any last comment?


From the "old school" of MU to new players, I want to say: You are the ones who make this game SPECIAL! Play and have fun as much as you can!


Dos “old school” do MU aos novos jogadores, eu quero dizer: Vocês são aqueles que fazem esse jogo ESPECIAL! Jogue e se divirta o quanto você puder!


B4rdolat** (English / Italian/ Brazilian Portuguese and European Spanish)


1) How did you get to know MU Online? 

The only thing I remember is that some friends told me about and asked me to try, and so I did and was around 6 years ago I believe since we had Wigle and Maya and I used to play on Wigle.


L'unica cosa che ricordo è che alcuni amici mi hanno raccontato e mi ha chiesto di provare, e così ho fatto ed è stato di circa 6 anni fa, credo che da quando abbiamo avuto Wigle e Maya e ho usato per giocare sul Wigle.


A única coisa que me lembro é que alguns amigos me disseram sobre e pediram para experimentar, e assim eu fiz e foi acredito à cerca de seis anos atrás, já que havia Wigle e Maya e eu costumava jogar no Wigle.


Lo único que recuerdo es que algunos amigos me dijeron y le preguntó a intentar, y así lo hice y es de creer hace unos seis años ya que había Wigle y Maya y yo solía jugar en Wigle.


2) What do you enjoy most being a MU Volunteer (Guru)?

The ability to help the community, even with small details, like many players do and somehow encourage more players to behave correctly. Since this is a global game is important that everyone maintain respect for the other player without discrimination of race, religion, country or language. And in the meanwhile to have a direct communication channel with the administration of the game to point out flaws trying to make the game one of the best. I just hope WZ to continue listening to the community through us.


La capacità di aiutare la comunità, anche con piccoli dettagli, come i giocatori fanno molti e in qualche modo incoraggiare più giocatori di comportarsi correttamente. Poiché questo è un gioco globale è importante che ognuno di mantenere il rispetto per l'altro giocatore, senza discriminazione di razza, religione, nazione o lingua. E nel frattempo di avere un canale diretto di comunicazione con l'amministrazione del gioco a sottolineare i difetti cercando di rendere il gioco uno dei migliori. Spero solo di continuare WZ l'ascolto della comunità attraverso di noi.


A capacidade de ajudar a comunidade, mesmo com pequenos detalhes, como muitos jogadores fazem e de alguma forma incentivar os jogadores cada vez mais a se comportar corretamente. Uma vez que este é um jogo global é importante que todos mantenham o respeito ao outro jogador, sem discriminação de raça, religião, país ou idioma. E, no interím, ter um canal direto de comunicação com a administração do jogo para apontar falhas tentando tornar o jogo um dos melhores. Eu só espero que WZ continue ouvindo a comunidade através de nós.


La capacidad de ayudar a la comunidad, incluso con pequeños detalles, como lo hacen muchos jugadores y de alguna manera animar a más jugadores a comportarse correctamente. Dado que este es un juego global es importante para todos mantener el respeto por el otro jugador, sin discriminación de raza, religión, país o idioma. Y mientras tanto, por tener un canal directo de comunicación con la administración del juego tratando de señalar los defectos/errors que el juego si cambie en uno de los mejores. Sólo espero que WZ seguirá escuchando a la comunidad a través de nosotros


jorger** (English/Spanish)

1) How did you get to know MU Online?

I do not remember very well, grab a long time was when I was in college and in 2001 I think when the natives had Wingle server and Maya, and opened a valhalla time, but it was only a test, for there happened to be k2 network, I forget my pasword and I never get pasword recovery service, so I create a new account k2 network and is the one I use to this day, I'm glad to return to Webzen, for which I had tired of seeing the two logos at the entrance, now placed as background images that gives more attractive.



No lo recuerdo muy bien, fue ase mucho tiempo cuando estaba en el colegio como en el 2001 creo cuando havian los server wingle y  maya , y abrio un tiempo el valhalla , pero solo era test , de ahi paso a ser de k2 network , me olvide de mi pasword y nunca me llego el servicio de recovery pasword , asi que me cree una nueva cuenta en k2 network y es la que uso hasta el dia de hoy , me alegro que regresara a webzen , por que ya me habia cansado de ver los 2 logos en la misma entrada, ahora se ponen imagenes de fondo como que le da mas atractivo.


2) What do you enjoy most being a MU Volunteer (Guru)?

I like to be a Volunteer MU (Guru) , The power assist users to have fewer difficulties before I got on to buff with my elf who had 300 of energy, but the tube to go down to 210 to get the bow because I could not train that had no Atake much, well now that energy buff 210 if kiera helps a bit to low lvl users, I've noticed that when I answer some questions about that use, I can do, where I train, I appreciate it

but when I answer questions like that I was banned? that is spam? it prohibited to sell accounts? devo no real money to buy souls, insult me to wish me the worst, I would like to block users if kiera for 4 hours to take it as a warning and think that what they do is wrong

I also make fun party with different people and problem solving as this week on the mirror of dimension almost no sap where was the npc to go (was elbeland on the page says that no one saw it?, makes me wonder) that I also fun to party with different people and problem solving as this week on the mirror of dimension almost no sap where was the npc to go (was elbeland on the page says that no one saw it?, makes me wonder) that and much more is a good place to meet people ^^



Me gusta de ser un MU Volunteer (Guru)? , el poder ayudar a los usuarios a que tengan menos dificultades antes me ponia a dar buff con my elfa que tenia 300 de energy, sin embargo la tube que bajar a 210 para poder ponerme el arco por que yo tampoco podia entrenar por que no tenia mucho atake , bueno ahora ese buff de 210 de energya si kiera ayuda un poco a los usuarios de lvl bajo , me he dado cuenta que cuando respondo algunas preguntas sobre que usar, que puedo hacer , donde entreno , me lo agradecen

pero cuando respondo preguntas como : por que fui baneado ? que es spam? que esta prohibido vender cuentas? no devo comprar souls con dinero real , me insultan hasta me desean lo peor , me gustaria poder bloquear usuarios si kiera por 4 horas para que lo tomen como advertencia y piensen en que lo que hacen esta mal

tambien me divierte hacer party con diferentes personas y resolver sus dudas como en esta semana sobre el mirror of dimension casi nadie savia donde estaba el npc para ir ( esta en elbeland en la pagina lo dice que nadie lo vio? , me hace preguntarme ) eso y muchas cosas mas es un buen lugar para conocer personas ^^



1) How did you get to know MU Online?


When I was studying at the university, we used to spend a lot of time in Internet cafes after classes. We there grabbing some beer and the fun began. A variety of shooters there were boring already, so we got into a trap designed by WEBZEN with a title - MU Online. The game itself was quite complicated, sometimes frustrating, but the amount of players made it attractive. Maybe I would have quitted it for dozens of times, if not friends, with whom we spent so much time beating enemies. If not alliances, with which we spent so much time in Castle Sieges, KS wars and other events. Thank you guys for that!



Vis dar besimokant universitete, nemažai laiko po paskaitų praleisdavome interneto kavinėse. Čiupdavom alaus ir prasidėdavo linksmybės. Įvairiausios šaudyklės jau buvo gerokai nusibodusios, tai įklimpome į WEBZEN sukurtus spąstus pavadinimu MU Online. Pats žaidimas buvo ganėtinai sudėtingas, kartais net varginantis, bet patraukiantis žaidėjų kiekiu. Gal būt jau dešimtis kartų būčiau metęs jį, jei ne draugai, su kuriais praleista tiek laiko skriaudžiant priešus. Jei ne aljansai, su kuriais praleista tiek laiko Castle Siege, KS waruose ir kitose linksmybėse.

Dėkoju Jums už tai!


2) What do you enjoy most being a MU Volunteer (Guru)?


That we can be something more, not even players in the game we like!

That we can help players, when they are facing difficulties. That we can help finding solutions. That we can help passing information between simple, ordinary players, who need answers and WEBZEN.



Kad mes galime būti šiuo tuo daugiau nei paprasti žaidėjai mūsų mėgstamame žaidime.

Kad gali padėti žaidėjams kai jiems iškyla sunkumų. Kad gali padėti surasti sprendimo būdus. Tarpininkauti tarp paprastų, eilinių žaidėjų, kuriems reikia atsakymų ir WEBZEN.


3) Any last comment?


It’s the darkest before the dawn. (GM Frisky)



Prieš aušrą visada tamsiausia. (GM Frisky)


Thank you!

MU Support Team