MU Online Official



S5.4 – Spanish/Portuguese MU Bug Report Event



Thank you all who participated in Spanish and Portuguese MU S 5.4 Fiesta Bug event.
We sincerely appreciate all the reports that’s been submitted. It has been a great help to us.

More rewards have been added, please check out below details.


Most critical: 1 recipient, Golden Fenrir 1 e.a.
Critical: 10 recipients, Jewel of Soul and Bless each 50 e.a.
Important: (no limit for the # of recipients), Chaos Card Gold 1 ea


Most critical: 2 recipients, Golden Fenrir 1 e.a.
Critical: 10 recipients, Jewel of Soul and Bless each 100 e.a.
Important: (Everyone who sent bug reports), Chaos Card Gold 1 ea

Most critical: (2 recipients), Golden Fenrir 1 ea


Critical: (10 recipients), Jewel of Soul and Bless each 100 ea


Important: (345 recipients), Chaos Card Gold 1 ea

bozoli** paramore3** jeal1** heavened** szczepan** rjordan** djpuz**
ilove** Xenon** willia** orest** gustavo** koki** mage00**
papa0** br3nokbe** detit** Laughing** trybias** Pawe** arrastr**
dziadekk** hermetico** ftsb** genericksco** cha** hwslo** LugiaWhi**
genericksco** jeanfor** mata** Marcus87** sadaz**6 Noobsaib** hermetico**
Bakury** Jedr** drkbruno** joaghost** santy** gnusm** atoli**6
zenomu** mg4ever5** Chew1sp** progam** artol** Kathy19** fejoo**
chen** darkwol** sekcarla** Mitchu** blind** akodo12** metalli**
godlike** cham** andyg** chacal12** oraharon** mudemier** alejo0**
marwan**  helf** nano2** deathhin** stumm** marcus** Erosn4k3**
Chew1sp** Bert** xzeu** ihat** cratos** holavite** katerand**
jairdiaz** potato** andyg** Xcedri** just4** thesickdarckne** wsil**
wiezzie** str1der** inazu** kjjb** neto0611** luisiberi** xintegra**
malibu** protokat** the5** j6tei8** iloves** Gend** josecar**
ranguinh** senef** steve19** giovani** doword** lilifflor** step**
s1thvad** rjordan** abc12** vic3** myel** Mihai** daniel7**
starphi** dhtest** Hail4ever20** frank** brunolok** ziss** sobral**
mlour** o**golo** sunswor** beeko** szkbu** Pasi** Finn**
Basur** Druz** sonda3** roybe** ze**1 cezaryoy** felipeis**
LeyHui** ch3ckma** vhatd** oreneye** Lethalfi** natoecar** listasj**
hermetico** gabi25** luisiberic** despi** jami** smokup0** castrave**
papermar** dijoniv** debilizm** jonatan1** andreavel** diegortx** 1st6am**
steve19** sgse** neto0611** alxander1** victorhu** albert** Skandil**
xDanilo** Wyvern4** alextriz** nando74** zz0o0** lagger** pitikaii**
mike19** potato** **phantom** svenths** Szakal51** Paw** cleb**
dhok** Renanst0** iangill** juanitoba**** Ammar** tenhona** carnades**
oraharon** LegendXh** be**be** spy31** wizmast** papermari** viic**
j6tei8** Xenon** sombra** hwslo** roybe** Morgana** bambinit**
dijoniv** jave123** deathhin** karo** choreul** raaaayos** doo**
gajozin** proxd** beeko** Jedr** maikelb** betosc80** szakal03**
fatphatm** x8mart** Jedr** softn** juca** rafalek** darkwol**
 miramoto** mupiw** davidjjn** mgaccou** Paw** Min** ChemChetMeM**
emit** sgse** w**w** orest** flesh** Hugoboss1** murarus**
dochuevo** wolveri** super**** blolea** mobra** tigris** Wolius**
delgado** princip4** wiezzie** kadet** BARTEND** numa** deathhin**
3lcra** jianne** wizard** yuansgr** mgstrp** jhuand** proxd**
Casal** wanmur** zo04re27s** sharinga** masacra** luvaile** nuobm**
teodeni** jave123** marcus** riograndens** rzymia** Chew1sp** GUTON**
cesar0** dijoniv** xooptime** fabiano**9 gisel** pylo** blade**
deuojen** proxd** vicente1** jori** pirowaf** godlike** quibr**
v1n1v1c1** mantus**6 Nerin** n0** cheba** pedruqui** knav**
slawek** krepcho7** mpk0** n0** webzenaccoun** guhmi** agustyn0**
importa** potato** Yoxso** vic3** zurvanisl2ul** juliordg******z elpedo**
Hole** rjordan** dougbdua** wwo** lagiacr** dikrcms** duckmanb**
smokup0** ciscop** Fabio**3 whingu** lucas09** elepa** lenfu**
folhin** zo04re27s** xgon** jairdiaz** be**be** fjesseni**  
thearkan** juandelfab** mudemier** pescon** doido** muril**  
striker** muchct20** xhalzao** Strit** josema** cratos**  
k0m0n** marcus** NobleBla** nohabl**m** rhad** satornic**  
avalan** czekop** fistuch19** pesco** Sniper2** ragazzi0**  

Congratulations to all the recipients above.
The items will be delivered starting today till Oct 18th.


*Anyone who reports critical bugs are rewarded at any time. If you find one please report it via Direct Inquiries.


Thank you.