MU Online Official


Brand New Chaos Card Released!

7/14/2015 ~ 12/19/2019

As Rare Item Tickets are renewed, all new Chaos Cards are also released.

Each package contains Rare Item Tickets and Goblin Point only which means there is less chance you end up getting "useless" item out of Chaos Cards.

Instead of being afraid of getting useless items, now you can stack up goblin points and spend them on the item you want to get at Goblin Point Shop(GP Shop).

So DO NOT forget to check out GP Shop right NOW.

Note GP Shop will be constantly updated with new items so we guaranty it would be worth stacking up goblin points for now or later!

Check out renewed Rare Item Tickets HERE!

Check out brand new Chaos Cards HERE!

Please note Goblin Point can be consumed only at in game shop.