MU Online Official



Regarding blocked users with Ruud


Recently, we have received reports of users who have duplicated large amount of Ruud, and have taken 
immeidate measures regarding abnormal amount of Ruud.

After conducting a series of thorough investigations, we have found the major abusers who have taken advantage of 
the system. 

For innocent users who have gained Ruud through only participating in events,
we will lift the suspension one by one, in consecutive order. 

We apologize in advance for the time that it will take to thoroughly investigate each player and lift off the suspension.

However, we assure you that all abusers have been, and will be permanently suspended, regardless of the amount of time they have spent enjoying this game. 

Please note, we intend to take strong action against those who abuse any kind of issues in the system.
We will always try our best to maintain a good environment for everyone.

Thank you
MU Support Team