MU Online Official



[Important Notice] Keep yourself away from duplicated items



Recently, there are many Elemental Capsules, Elemental Runes and Errtels of Radiance on market with extremely cheap prices.

Our team has found out that these items are made illegally somehow and ruining the economy.

Therefore, we would like to suggest as below shown:


1) Prohibit Elemental Capsule, Elemental Rune and Errtel of Radiance trade.

- Those 3 items are duped the most and being traded with extremely low price. For now, these items will be prohibited to be on market.

- If users keep selling suspicious items, your account could be blocked and it may incur account investigation that cause the deletion of item in the account, since it will be considered as items obtained through unfair advantage.

2) Those who sells Errtels with relatively low price than its value will be investigated and get banned if determined suspicious user.

- Still, there are people selling Errtels illegally made. Your accounts will be permanently banned if the item is determined suspicious.  

Yes. We know this is a drastic step to make and many people could be disturbed for this movement. But after discussing over, we concluded it is better than letting duped item be traded in market.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience that might have incurred and will put our first priority to fix the problem so Mutizens can trade items as before.


Thank you.

MU support team.