Season XII Roulette Ranking Event

Aim for the best prize with Dimensional Roulette

Event Period 2017. 05. 10 After Maintenance ~ 05. 23 Before Maintenance (UTC)

400 Goblin Points per play

Get 5 Dimensional Keys to play Dimensional Roulette for 1 minute!
To avoid a browser error, do not click your mouse or type on your keyboard when the roulette wheel is spinning.

Dimensional Key
  • open
  • open
  • lock
  • lock
  • lock
Goblin Point 0

When Dimensional Roulette is open, you can’t get a Dimensional Key.

  • Scroll master of Health (2Days)
  • Dimensional Key + 100 GP
  • Scroll Master of Defense (2Days)
  • Dimensional Key + Bless of Light (Greater)
  • Scroll Master of Recovery (2Days)
  • 10,000 Ruud
  • Scroll Master of Battle (2Days)
  • Dimensional Key + Seal of Healing (2Days)
  • Scroll Master of Strengthener (2Days)
  • Dimensional Key + Gold Channel Ticket (1Day)

800 Goblin Points per play

Get 5 Dimensional Keys to play Dimensional Roulette for 1 minute!
To avoid a browser error, do not click your mouse or type on your keyboard when the roulette wheel is spinning.

Go to Dimensional Roulette 00 : 00
Goblin Point 0

  • 800 GP
  • Bless of Light (Greater) x 2 EA
  • Elemental Talisman of Luck
  • 2,000 Ruud
  • Premium Muun Egg x 2EA
  • 100,000 Ruud
  • Elemental Talisman of Chaos
  • (Hero) Bloodangel Soul
  • 500,000 Ruud
  • Rare Item Ticket 12+4
  • Rare Item Ticket 12+3
  • Rare Item Ticket 12+2
  • Rare Item Ticket 12+1

30 Play Time Points per play

Get 5 Dimensional Keys to play Dimensional Roulette for 1 minute!
To avoid a browser error, do not click your mouse or type on your keyboard when the roulette wheel is spinning.

Play Time Points 0

  • 5,000 Ruuds
  • Elite Healing Potion x 20 EA
  • Wings of Angel and Devil (3Days)
  • Master Seal of Ascension (1Day)
  • Seal of Ascension (1Day)
  • Scroll Master of Recovery (1Day)
  • Scroll Master of Battle (1Day)
  • Scroll Maste of Stren gthener (1Day)
  • Scroll of Healing (1DDy)
  • Scroll of Battle (1Day)
  • Scroll of Strength (1Day)
  • 80 GP
  • 40 GP
  • 20 GP

Check Your Prizes ATTENTION

Get Your Weapons with Roulette Points!

Event Period : 2017. 05 10 After Maintenance ~ 05. 23 Before Maintenance (UTC)
Rank Announcement : 2017. 05. 30 (UTC) After Maintenance

Top 200 ranked will get special prizes!

Roulette Point Ranking will not be separated by server. Compete with players from all servers!

  1. 1 len****** 20202
  2. 2 jam***** 18602

The amount of point that Mutizens can earn with Roulette is as follow

  • Play Time Roulette 1
  • Goblin Roulette 2
  • Dimensional Roulette 5

(Latest update: 2025. 03. 31 00:00 UTC)

Ranking List ATTENTION

  • Rank 1&2

    +11 Holyangel Mastery Set
    (+15 Stat +Luck)

  • Rank 3&4

    +11 Wings of

  • Rank 5~10


  • Rank 11~30

    (Hero) Bloodangel Soul
    x 2EA

  • Rank 31~50

    Talisman of Chaos x 3EA +
    Elemental Talisman of
    Chaos x 3EA

  • Rank 51~100

    Talisman of Ascension1

  • Rank 101~200

    Robot Knight Ring

Goblin Point Special Sales

  • 8,000GP

    800 Wcoin

  • 40,000GP

    4,000 Wcoin

Go to shop

Roulette Event Item Prize Lists

Item List Amount
Scroll Master of Health (2Days) 0
Dimensional Key + 400 GP 0
Scroll Master of Defense (2Days) 0
Dimensional Key + Bless of Light (Greater) 0
Scroll Master of Recovery (2Days) 0
10,000 Ruud 0
Scroll Master of Battle (2Days) 0
Dimensional Key + Seal of Healing (2Days) 0
Scroll Master of Strengthener (2Days) 0
Dimensional Key + Gold Channel Ticket (1Day) 0
Item List Amount
800 GP 0
Bless of Light (Greater) x 2 EA 0
Elemental Talisman of Luck 0
2,000 Ruud 0
Premium Muun Egg x 2EA 0
100,000 Ruud 0
Elemental Talisman of Chaos 0
(Hero) Bloodangel Soul 0
500,000 Ruud 0
Rare Item Ticket 12+4 0
Rare Item Ticket 12+3 0
Rare Item Ticket 12+2 0
Rare Item Ticket 12+1 0
Item List Amount
5,000 Ruuds 0
Elite Healing Potion x 20 EA 0
Wings of Angel and Devil (3Days) 0
Master Seal of Ascension (1Day) 0
Seal of Ascension (1Day) 0
Scroll Master of Recovery (1Day) 0
Scroll Master of Battle (1Day) 0
Scroll Maste of Stren gthener (1Day) 0
Scroll of Healing (1Day) 0
Scroll of Battle (1Day) 0
Scroll of Strength (1Day) 0
80 GP 0
40 GP 0
20 GP 0


  1. Please log in to your account to participate the event.
  2. Players cannot use rewards in new server.
  3. Restoration for the error on Dimensional Roulette time is impossible. Please check your
    web browser status.
  4. If you obtain Rare Item Ticket 12+No. send a CS ticket.
    - [DR] Rare Item Ticket 12 +1 → +11 3rd Wing (+ Opt +Luck)
    - [DR] Rare Item Ticket 12 +2 → +0 Darkangel Weapon (+ Opt)
    - [DR] Rare Item Ticket 12 +3 → +0 Wings of Conqueror (+ Opt)
    - [DR] Rare Item Ticket 12 +4 → +0 Holyangel Mastery Set (15Stats +Luck)
  5. You must possess the items in your vault or inventory to exchange them for the prize.
    - Make sure there is enough space in your inventory for the prize.
    - Send the CS ticket by May 23, 2017 Before Maintenance (UTC).
    - Your Ticket will be processed starting from May 23, 2017 (UTC).
  6. Unclaimed items are deleted during the scheduled maintenance on May 30, 2017 (UTC).
  7. You get 1 point for every 10 minutes of play time.
    [Example] 15 minutes of play time + 16 minutes of play time = 2 points
    (15 min = 1point, 16min = 1point)
    Play Time Points are awarded every day at 00:00 (UTC).
    [Example] If you play the game for 35 minutes on May 10, 2017, you get 3 points
    on May 11, 2017.
    Items won playing roulette are automatically sent to your inbox.
  8. Wings of Angel and Devil can be equipped at level 350 or above.
    The item is not restorable in any situation.
  9. This schedule is subject to change.

Roulette Point Ranking List

Rank Username Roulette Point
1 len****** 20202
2 jam***** 18602
3 dav****** 18136
4 ger**** 15737
5 ae1*** 13063
6 gol******** 10927
7 riz******* 10459
8 sup******* 8876
9 mai******** 7920
10 ket***** 7218
11 gia***** 6413
12 fel****** 6041
13 ldi******** 5352
14 flo***** 5350
15 tho******* 5249
16 plz*********** 5216
17 sop************* 4875
18 ldi******** 4605
19 Aat********* 4603
20 zen******** 4581
21 jos******** 4485
22 amo************** 4475
23 Moo****** 4326
24 ols******** 4257
25 mil**** 4210
26 Agi***** 4085
27 kub******* 4023
28 jea**** 4006
29 n2p********* 3952
30 isz***** 3766
31 hun**** 3604
32 kas****** 3552
33 red******* 3358
34 kla**** 3328
35 lor******* 3226
36 kni******* 3140
37 And*********** 3066
38 Aid***** 3006
39 vur***** 2861
40 hac******** 2845
41 eni*** 2739
42 wor********* 2724
43 kni******** 2667
44 con***** 2635
45 hig********* 2621
46 gol***** 2594
47 pau******** 2582
48 ley*** 2546
49 chi********** 2543
50 wil******** 2516
51 pau********* 2514
52 p3r******** 2448
53 jap***** 2420
54 Vei******* 2306
55 lor******** 2275
56 drf*** 2269
57 SoS**** 2227
58 new********* 2200
59 eef*** 2123
60 rem********* 2076
61 big****** 2047
62 knw***** 1873
63 xar**** 1858
64 api********** 1837
65 ro5******* 1833
66 mer******* 1812
67 zer******** 1792
68 che************ 1763
69 ger********* 1743
70 mub*** 1712
71 jav****** 1687
72 luk********* 1665
73 on1******** 1644
74 bla******** 1607
75 ae1*** 1585
76 ngo***** 1564
77 wan******* 1564
78 dup******* 1557
79 mur****** 1541
80 gut**** 1492
81 xan**** 1413
82 saw******* 1404
83 col******* 1389
84 ben******* 1388
85 fac******* 1375
86 ate****** 1371
87 lui******* 1332
88 spa******* 1324
89 fla******* 1318
90 cor*********** 1315
91 yun****** 1313
92 afi******* 1304
93 cal******* 1283
94 neo****** 1281
95 men******** 1232
96 gok****** 1208
97 bah**** 1202
98 Rod**** 1177
99 Dem***** 1175
100 mma***** 1164
101 vor****** 1154
102 Gae***** 1152
103 leo***** 1149
104 coy******* 1146
105 ceg*** 1142
106 dyn**** 1135
107 tun******** 1133
108 rah***** 1117
109 gru****** 1098
110 V3n******** 1079
111 Nor**** 1064
112 Bli****** 1054
113 chu******* 1048
114 bli****** 1035
115 kro***** 1033
116 kla****** 1028
117 gut**** 1003
118 Gar***** 988
119 elc***** 977
120 ura***** 973
121 bat*** 969
122 kak******** 967
123 haw********** 955
124 tum********* 952
125 mes******** 951
126 flo********** 944
127 kap****** 943
128 Tak***** 942
129 fal**** 939
130 Laz**** 939
131 Agi**** 936
132 vn1** 928
133 sam********* 926
134 m4r*** 923
135 and******* 919
136 nek******* 917
137 new** 910
138 on1******* 909
139 eri******* 907
140 chi********** 905
141 ron******** 905
142 Sku********* 899
143 leo***** 893
144 lea******* 891
145 teg******* 887
146 soy*** 887
147 ZzA**** 887
148 yog**** 884
149 ale****** 879
150 kik****** 853
151 nan**** 843
152 kri***** 832
153 and************* 826
154 cci******** 813
155 has****** 806
156 gol********* 797
157 der******* 794
158 den******* 774
159 SMF**** 772
160 dab***** 771
161 jow*** 764
162 des*********** 763
163 dai******* 758
164 d4r******* 756
165 win********** 748
166 luc******** 744
167 mat******* 744
168 ice*** 734
169 aer******* 728
170 wan******* 725
171 car****** 708
172 lor****** 707
173 dag***** 690
174 mar******* 690
175 shu*** 689
176 sup***** 689
177 pla*********** 689
178 tio******* 685
179 kon*********** 682
180 sok**** 678
181 meo****** 673
182 coj****** 669
183 tie***** 665
184 Szu***** 662
185 xi3******** 656
186 hak****** 651
187 c3d******* 646
188 suk***** 646
189 xao****** 645
190 gia********** 641
191 eld************ 641
192 axe***** 640
193 sel****** 638
194 sxr***** 636
195 edm***** 632
196 pmo***** 632
197 ton******* 626
198 new**** 624
199 vit****** 622
200 il0******** 616
Rank Username Roulette Point


  1. If there is more than one user scoring the same point, the faster one will be ranked
    on the list.
  2. A Notice Regarding Reward Distribution will be announced with ranking announcement
    on May 30, 2017 After Maintenance (UTC).
  3. Roulette Point Ranking will be updated every 00:00 (UTC) and ranking list will appear until
    the end of the event.
  4. Any Player proven to be the illegal program user to accumulate Roulette Point will be
    excluded from the ranking list