MU Support Team would like to show our appreciation to all users for creating such a supportive environment.
According to the needs of growing community, we are looking for more enthusiastic MU volunteers would like to help us.
Please assist us to organize and conduct more efficient forum and gaming environment.
If you're interested in becoming a MU volunteer, this might be your chance.
Please go over the requirements below thoroughly and submit your applications via e-mail. Be sure to address your e-mail to and remember to put the title correctly.
Thank you very much for your participation and we sincerely look forward to receiving your applications!
Important: you must complete the form below and answer all questions.
Volunteer Application Form
Please submit your application in accordance with the following form.
Title: [MU] Application for Volunteer Trainee
Content: (Your personal information will be kept confidential)
- Webzen ID:
- Last Name:
- First Name:
- Nationality:
- Language-proficiency:
(ex: Korean-mother tongue, English-fluent)
- Date of Birth:
- Address:
- Phone:
- E-mail Address:
- Alternate e-mail address:
- MU Main Character Information:
(Character Name / Server / Level / Guild)
Questionnaire (maximum 300 words for each question)
1. Short description of yourself (including your gaming experience)
2. Why do you wish to become a volunteer and what would you like to do?
3. What are on-going issues in MU Forums? Explain in English first and then write again in another language.
4. Briefly suggest your solutions for any technical issues on MU.
5. Do you have any experience as a moderator on other forums? If so, please explain.
1. Must be 18 years old or older
2. MU main characters must be over level 200.
3. Must be able to establish both oral and written communication in English,
**Proficiency in Second Language is a plus.
4. No history of violating policy, including any of transaction fraud.
1. Work for an active and pleasant community.
2. Check MU Forum frequently.
3. Help new users on the forum to join the community.
Please Note:
1. This is recruitment for MU Forum Volunteer Trainees only.
2. Applications for MU Volunteer Trainee are received all the time.
3. Selected MU Family Members will become Volunteer Trainees for the first month, and official MU Volunteers will be selected among those Volunteer Trainees.
4. Volunteer Trainees will not receive any rewards during the training period.
5. Selected volunteers will receive complimentary gifts.
6. Volunteer Trainees and Volunteer Trainees are not employees of WEBZEN and will not receive any financial income.
7. You must not tell others about any information on the volunteer forum.
(All information on the Volunteer Forum should be considered confidential, and this includes reports, suggestions and update plans)
8. You must not tell others about any information you receive from our GMs elsewhere.
9. Volunteer Trainees and Volunteers may not engage in any illegal activities such as asking for any personal information of other players.
10. The written requirements are minimum specifications and subject to change as necessary.
Thank you,
MU Support Team