MU Online Official



MMOsite 5th year Anniversary Event Winners




Following are the wiinners of MMOsite 5th year anniversary event.

Please check your inventory/storage or inbox in MU Item Shop to retrieve your prizes.


1st place 1 Talisman of Chaos Assembly

1 Valhalla Zulajayim


2nd place 1 Talisman of Luck (5%)

2 Valhalla MrBird
2 Valhalla Underspace
2 Midgard Chaosmaker
2 Midgard Summage
2 Helheim Bkgabriel
2 Helheim Chatopeter
2 Helheim Grieverll
2 Helheim Leprosa
2 Helheim Timeline


3rd place 1 Panda Pet (7days)

3 Valhalla aSome
3 Valhalla Heroinas
3 Midgard DeadMage26
3 Midgard Demigoddes
3 Midgard Fatty
3 Midgard ThoRn
3 Helheim Chacineiro
3 Helheim Daduren
3 Helheim dark565
3 Helheim Grieverz0r
3 Helheim Infection
3 Helheim Luc1a87
3 Helheim Makstilaiz
3 Helheim Mcpena
3 Helheim Sacrash
3 Helheim Smgabriel
3 Helheim TiKei
3 Helheim Valantyne
3 Helheim Wizar40
3 Helheim Zaklama


Congratulations to winners above!


MU Support Team