MU Online Official


Shield or Spear? Mirage Lancer Duel Tournament

06/05/2015 ~ 28/05/2015
If the sturdiest shield and the sharpest spear clashed, which do you think will break first?

In order to find out,
we have prepared a special Tournament for Mirage Lancers who have shined their shields or sharpened their blades.

Become one of the Top 20 Mirage Lancers of your server,
Rise to become the strongest Lancer of your Strength/Dexterity group by participating in bloody 1:1 Duels,
And finally meet your archenemy who has focused on the opposite forte.

If you manage to reach until the QuarterFinals, rewards for Lancers befitting of the legendary items will be distributed.
For those who cannot participate in the tournament, there will be an additional event in which you will guess the strongest Lancer.


In order to participate in the tournament, you must meet all the following qualifications:
1. Master Level Mirage Lancer
2. Strength or Dexterity stat must be 3 times higher than the other. (ex: Str=500, Dex=1600)
3. You must be able to show up to the duel on the designated match times.
(exact time from the two given choices is to be announced on May 11)
4. You must be able to show up to the duel on designated match dates.
4. All Finalists must capture and submit your character stat (C), Master Skill tree and Equipped items.

[Event Period]

- Registration period: May 6 ~ May 10
- List of Matches Announcement: May 11
- 1st Stage : May 13
- 2nd Stage: May 15
- QuarterFinals: May 18
- SemiFinals: May 20
- Finalist stat submission: May 20 ~ May 21
- Guess the Winner Event: May 22 ~ May 25
- Finals: May 27