MU Online Official



Beat the Heat 1st Round Result


Greeting Mutizens,

Thank you all for participating the event.

Many users applied to this event with brilliant ideas, it was hard to choose who to be the winners.

The winners are 

 1. G Package - Asgard / NightFury 

2. S Package - Titan / GrowAteHit

 3. B Pacakge - Helheim / Gaben and Helheim / DarkLurker

*Nightfury / GrowAtehit / Gaben / DarkLurker

We've sent you the personal Facebook message. Please submit your information answering the Facebook message.

Distribution will be done right after this notice to those who only meet the format.

*Format: 1. Share the note, 2. Upload the image, 3. Hashtag 'Muonline,Webzen,MUfacebookevent' as indicated.

Users who didn't receive the reward, please provide your posting link to CS tickets.

Again, thank you for the attending this event.

MU support team.