Season 5 Update
1.Fortress of Empire Guardians- Barka
- You may go to Barka by talking to NPC Jerint the Assistant at coordinate (229,221)
- Please go to see Barka guide here for the details. ( )
- You cannot use Dark Lord’s Summon skill in event maps
− You cannot use Dark Wizard’s Telekinesis, warp skill in the event map.
2.Double Goer
− You may go to Double Goer event map by talking to NPC Lugard in Elveland (49,216) −
− Please go to see Barka guide here for the details.( )
- You cannot use Dark Lord’s Summon skill in event maps.
3.New Quest System
− For new users of MU Online, MU Online game tutorial and quests have been added.
− Quests are available at Elf Soldier in every village
− You can check your quest progress by pressing T key. You can also check your event map status.
− Tutorial quest is only available for new characters with level 40 or lower. (Characters with Ring of Warrior/Hero will not be able to get tutorials.)
− You may get Ring of Warrior/Hero by completing the tutorial quests.
− You may skip the tutorial quests and receive Ring of Warrior/Hero , but you cannot restart the quest in this case.
4.Goblin Point System
Goblin Point will accumulate according to your connection time. With this point you can purchase items.
5.Gens System
1) You can join a Gens by talking to either NPC Gens Duprian Steward in Lorencia (144, 127) or NPC Gens Vanert Steward in Noria(167, 100)
2) When you join Gens, Gens mark will be shown.
3) You can join Gens when you reach level 50.
4) Vulcanus is open to Gens members only.
5) In Vulcanus, opposite Gens member is recognized as an enemy. You will earn Contribution when you win against opposite Gens member.
6) You may check your Contribution status at Gens Stewart NPC
7) You can earn 150% EXP by hunting in disputed area.
8) If your Guild Master is not a member of Gens or if you try to join a Gens different from your Guild Master’s, you cannot join a guild.
9) Gulid Master who is a member of an affiliated guild cannot join Gens.
10) You cannot party with a member from opposite Gens.
11) You may play Gens quest in Vulcanus.
6.Quest Renewal
1) New Serial Quests.
− Go visit Elf Soldier to receive the quest.
− These serial quests are only can be accessed when you finish the previous one.
− You may repeat this quest until you are no longer eligible for this quest.
− Open to every class.
2) One-time-only Serial Quests
− Go visit Elf Soldier to receive the quest.
− These serial quests are only can be accessed when you finish the previous one.
− This is one-time-only quest therefore, you cannot repeat.
− Open to every class but Magic Gladiator or Dark Lord
7.Loren Market
-Don’t need to stand any longer in Channel 5. Simply move to Loren Market via NPC Julia (Free) in Lorencia or press M key. (Costs Zen)
Video guide available at:
8.New Skill Icon Design
-Skill icon design has changed.
9.Item Upgrade+15
-You may upgrade your item to +15 now
10.Item Update
1) New MU Item Shop
- You may purchase both in game and on the web.
- MU Item Shop guide available at:
-Gold Ticket (You don't need to wait any longer! Once you use it, you can just go right into Gold Server)
*Make sure you click USE button to actually put item in effect. Items in your storage/inbox will NOT take effect until youclick the button.
2) Important Details
-Seal of Wealth/Seal of Ascension/Seal of Sustenance
Now it is possible to purchase a Seal to negate the previous seal in effect.
*If you were using Seal of Sustenance and want to negate the effect, you can buy Seal of Wealth no matter how many minutes left.
-Seal of Wealth/Seal of Ascension and Master Seal of Wealth/ Master Seal of Ascension
Now it is possible to purchase both Seal and Master Seal together, but only one seal that fits to your character will take effect. So be careful not to buy both seals.
-Item Effects
Following seals or scrolls in the same group cannot be used at the same time. If you purchase seals or scrolls in the same group, only the last one will take effect.
However you can use different Seals or Scrolls from different groups at the same time at the exception of Group A+E
Group A
Seal of Ascension/ Seal of Wealth/ Seal of Sustenance
Group B
Scroll of Quickness/ Scroll of Protection/ Scroll of Wrath/ Scroll of Wizardry/ Scroll of Health/ Scroll of Mana
Group C
Scroll of Battle/ Scroll of Strengthener
Group D
Seal of Healing/Seal of Divinity
Group E
Master Seal of Ascension/Master Seal of Wealth
Press Tab key to see a Map
12.One Month Gold Channel
1 month gold channel is available for 1400 W Coins
13.Webpage Update
New graphic features have been added.
Thank you everyone for your patience and support.
If you find any bugs in Season 5, please contact us via Direct Inquiries.
Best regards,
MU Support Team