MU Online12th Anniversary Celebration Party
Congratulations! You are invited to the 12th Anniversary Celebration Party of MU Online!
Congratulations! You are invited to the 12th Anniversary Celebration Party of MU Online!
Event Period : 14.05.2021 ~ 01.06.2021 Before Maintenance Gold Channel Ticket (7Days) / Premium Muun (7Days) / Pink Panda Ring (7Days)
Play 40 hours every weekend, get a special boost package for FREE!
To get rewards, please play more than 40 hours during the weekend(Friday 00:00 ~ Sunday 23:59 (UTC)). Please play enough since in-game and real-time might be different. Any player proven to be the illegal program user to get rewards will be blocked. Rewards will be distributed on every Tuesday after the event period.Event Period : 14.05.2021 ~ 30.05.2021 23:59 (UTC) Play 210 hours during the event period & get more rewards!
To get rewards, please play more than 210 hours during 14/05/2021 ~ 30/05/2021 23:59 (UTC). Please play enough since in-game and real-time might be different. Any player proven to be the illegal program user to get rewards will be blocked. Rewards will be distributed on 01/06/2021 (UTC).