MU Online Official


Mini Promotion

19/12/2012 ~ 26/12/2012

Sales Promotion


Small but Strong~!


Christmas Chaos Card Mini and Christmas Santa Package Mini have been released.

You think these are cheap~? Yes cheap but they are still Christmas Chaos Card and Christmas Santa Package. Check it out!


[Christmas Chaos Card Mini]

Price: 330 W coin

Sales Promotion period: Dec 19 2012 ~ Jan 2 2013 GST


10 Jewel of Bless

10 Jewel of Soul

Brown Panda Ring 3 Days

Pink Panda Ring 3 Days

1,000 Goblin Point

+15 one of Cursed Wings

+15 Wing of Storm

+15 Wing of Ruin

+15 Cape of Overrule

Rare Item Ticket 3~8



[Christmas Santa Package Mini]

Price: 1700 W coin

Sales Promotion period: Dec 19 2012 ~ Dec 26 2012 GST



Gold Channel 15 Days

Seal of Healing 15 Days

Master Seal of Wealth 15 Days

Normal Seal of Wealth 15 Days

Excellent DMG Scroll Package 15 Day

Worn Horseshoe 15 Day

Figurine of Antelope 15 Day




Thank You

Mu Support Team