MU Online Official


Problemas Conhecidos

Notice regarding recent Max Errtel Issue


Recently, we have received additional reports regarding massive circulation of Max Errtels (All Ranks Max Level), and proceeded to suspend players who were possessing the items in their respective inventories or inside their Pentagrams.

Here are a few important points that many players have asked us to make clear, and the following direction we will take regarding the matter. 

1) The resolved issue back in March regarding Max Errtels was the Duplication process itself.

Please take a look at the following notices that we have written and displayed for a month back in March through April. 

Mar 02, 2015: [Notice] Max Errtel Issue
Mar 05, 2015: [Notice] Max Errtel Issue is now resolved

We had found the exact process and origin of the duplication process and had patched the issues accordingly, so that duplication will no longer be possible. Also, many players who had possessed the items at that time were released, contrary to the recent case, as the issue not known to the community. 

However, this DOES NOT mean that the item itself is no longer illegal. 
Possessing illegally produced items is prohibited, even after the duplication process itself is fixed.

2) According to the result of the investigation, we will delete the Max Errtels and lift suspension after 30 days. 

The decision will be based on the total number of Max Errtels and the user's activity regarding illegal items. 
The 30 days will be counted from the initial day of suspension back in July. 
**Please note, if the result of the investigation does not fulfill the criteria for lifting the suspension, it will remain permanent.

3) We advise you once again to refrain from buying/selling/possessing Max Errtels. 

Majority of the Max Errtels (1Rank10Level/2Rank10Level/3Rank10Level) are the result of illegal duplication.
Therefore we advise you once again to refrain from getting involved with the items. 

Please use the Forum or the CS ticket if you have any questions regarding Max Errtels or other suspicious items/activities.
We will always try our best to maintain a good environment for everyone.

Thank you
MU Support Team