MU Online Official



Grand Opening Event Prize Winner's List


Dear MUtizens,


Thank you so much everyone for participating this event.
Below is the MU Online Grand Opening Event Prize Winner's List.


Congratulations and please note that the Item will be delivered directly to your account vault on the 15th during the maintenance time.


Valhalla server

fengxc*  4ng65*  612hc*  jadna*  jj085*
jonatasma*  kombasoz*  Las*  lucasbrag*  Maari*

mar3ks197*  patagoni*  pp007brte*  shaminy197*  t3n11on*

xxxmen*  Wanted6*  shiliu112*  golosin*  onlycris*


Heheim server

darkve*  evilrox*  brenek1*  senbonzakur*  djpuzo*
Babylon7*  ch4nd0rr*  EmoBoss8*  Paul*  agamajk*


Midgard server

Xuni*  inf159198*  samurai19*  ster0*  arwen10*
bloodysou*  Deathlor*  infola*  CrazyLor*  pika2*


(Total 40)


Congratulations again and we look forward to bringing you more exciting events and gifts next time.


Thank you!