Security Card (SC) to avoid hacking
Greetings, If there is still any email including the information about SC in your mail box, please delete it and keep the SC in safe place. Please note that if you don’t receive SC, you are required to send us an inquiry to Security Card category. Otherwise, you may get disadvantages to log i...
Maintenance on August 3, 2011 (GST)
Scheduled Maintenance on August 3, 2011 (GST) There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on August 3 Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details>■ Time August 3, 15:00 pm ~ 17:00 pm (2 hours ) ※Please note that time is subject to ch...
Maintenance on July 27, 2011 (GST)
Please refer to the following maintenance details.<MU Online Maintenance Details>■ Time July 27, 15:00 pm ~ 17:00 pm (2 hours ) ※Please note that time is subject to change.■ Perform TasksSystem maintenance and patch.Rage Fighter Bug Revision■ EffectDuring the maintenance hours, game serve...
Maintenance Delay on July 20, 2011 (GST)
Maintenance Delay on July 20, 2011 (GST)The maintenance performed on all servers on July 20 will be delayed for another hour.Please refer to the following maintenance details.<MU Online Maintenance Details>■ Time July 20, 15:00 pm ~ 18:00 pm (3 hours ) ※Please note that time is subject to c...
MU Official Helper Update Note
▶MU Official Helper is designed to help hunting in MU Online. ▶MU Official Helper can be available with characters over level 80 ▶As MU Official Helper runs, a certain amount of Zen is spent every 5 minutes. ▶The amount of Zen spent using MU Official Helper increases as character ...
Manual Patch for MU Official Helper
Greetings, For those who may have some problems for automatic set up of MU Official Helper, we provide a manual patch. The manual patch can be downloaded accoring to your region through the below links. ________________________________________ ASIA
Maintenance on July 13, 2011 (4 hours)
Scheduled Maintenance on July 13, 2011 (GST) There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, July 13,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time July 13, 15:00 pm ~ 19:00 pm (4 hours ) ※Please note that time is subject ...
No Maintenance on July 6, 2011 (GST)
Hello, There will be no maintenance on July 6, 2011 (GST) Thus, +12 Items you are supposed to receive on July 6 (Based on Database from June 22 ~ June 29 24:00) will be given on July 13, 2011 GST. The date of Gens Reward is also delayed for a week so Gens Reward is given on July 13, 2011 We ...
Scheduled Maintenance on June 29, 2011 (GST)
Hello, There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, June 29,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time June 29, 15:00 pm ~ 17:00 pm (2 hours ) ※Please note that time is subject to change. ■ Perform TasksSystem ma...
+12 Item on July 6 & Gens Reward are postponed
Greetings, +12 Items you are supposed to receive on July 6 (Based on Database from June 22(After maintenance) ~ June 29 24:00) will be given on July 13, 2011 GST. The date of Gens Reward is also delayed for a week so Gens Reward is given on July 13, 2011 We apologize for the alteration of ...