Compensation for Extended Maintenance (May 2, 2024 ~ May 7, 07:00 (UTC))
Dear Mutizens,
We apologize for any inconvenience extended maintenance has caused.
As the maintenance was extended, we have prepared compensations.
[Period]: 02/05/2024 ~ 07/05/2024 before Maintenance 07:00 (UTC)
* You will get items as below :
- [Master/Normal] Scroll of Quickness (1 Day)
- [Bound] Bless of Light(higher)X5
- You can purchase the compensation package for free from 02/05/2024 ~ 07/05/2024 07:00 (UTC).
- You can purchase this package for free, ONCE per account.
- You can purchase the package either from In-game Shop(XShop).
Go to In-game Shop(XShop) to receive the compensation package
Thank you for Mutizens' patience.
Thank You
MU Support Team