Rewards have been distributed on April 4th
Dear MUtizens, We would like to inform you about the flag items are sold by Royal Guard Captain Lorence. The flag items were developed and planned exclusively for SEA service. The items will be removed from the store upon Maintenance on April 5th according to the original plan. Please note th...
Greetings, There will be the next scheduled Event Inventory Reset during the maintenance on19/04/2022 (UTC). We advise you to use all your event items such as Muun Eggs inside the Event Inventory before this time. **Please Note - The details of schedule is subject to change. Thank You MU Support...
Thank you all for playing MU Online and participating Find a Bomb Ranking Event.
[Web Maintenance Schedule] 00:00 ~ 01:00 (UTC) - 1 hour
[Period]: 23/03/2022 ~ 30/03/2022 02:00 (UTC)
Dear MUtizens, We would like to inform you about the SEA welcome event. The events guided on the SEA welcome event tab on the event page below are only held on the new servers Noatun and Jotunheim. SEA Welcom event Page These events cannot be participated by MUtizens on other servers, and items ...
Hello Mutizens! Are you one of the loyal members of MU Online? Are you active enough to provide support to your fellow players? Are you willing enough to be one of the representatives of every MUtizens and help with the improvement of the game? Then now's your chance to join our ranks and prove ...
Thank you all for playing MU Online and participating Find a Bomb Ranking Event.
Rewards have been distributed on March 11st