MU Online Official


Find The GM! Event

23/1/2016 ~ 23/1/2016

There will be a special GM Character hiding in server 7 with special presents to give away, but only if you can find it first. It is a fun game of hide-and-seek!

Be the first person to find the GM Character, and win a special present! Up to 10 reward packs will be given away, per realm.

How To Participate
  1. Log into the game during your server’s specified event time. (see below)
  2. Find the GM Character named EVMizakit, on Server 7.
  3. Hints will be posted over the server to help you find the GM Character, during the event.
  4. Trade with the GM Character immediately to receive your reward*
*please remember, you cannot trade while your character’s personal store is open.
*I will only accept trade requests; I will not send a request to trade (req. lvl 6).

  1. The GM’s location will change every time it is found, or every 10 minutes (whichever happens first).
  2. Only one person will receive a reward, per location
  3. A maximum of 10 rewards will be given away, including the special rewards.
  4. Each person will only be allowed to win one prize, to make it fair for everyone else.
  5. Cheating may get you blacklisted from future in-game events hosted by EVMizakit.
  6. Hints will be posted over the server to help you find the GM character, during the event.
  7. The first 5 players to find the GM character will receive an item from the Special Rewards list. The last five players will only receive the items from the Normal Reward list.

Event Times

January 23 @06:00 (UTC)

January 23 @06:40 (UTC)

January 23 @07:20 (UTC)

January 23 @08:00 (UTC)

Special Rewards

The following items will be rewarded at random. Players will also receive a GM Box. Once these rewards have all been distributed, the Normal Reward will be given to winners.
  • Kundun's Scroll of Magic +9 +4Sockets (Water)
  • Errtel of Radiance Rank2 +3 (Rank1 +7) (Water)
  • Elemental Rune (x20)
  • Seed Sphere (Earth) [Level 4]
  • Blast Break +9+16 +Skill +Luck (5 Sockets)

Normal Reward

After the special rewards have been distributed, the Normal Reward will be given to winners :
  • Jewel of Bless Bundle
  • GM Box