MU Online Official


AMUzing Day~! Event (24/12/2017~31/12/2017 UTC)

24/12/2017 ~ 31/12/2017


We have a good news that Mutizen will LOVE to hear!
There will be no scheduled maintenance in December 26, 2017.

That is why we prepared "AMUzing Day" Event!!
If you play MU Online more than 120 hours from December 24 to December 31, 2017. 
You will receive AMAZING REWARDS!

[Event Period] : 24/12/2017 00:00 ~ 31/12/2017 23:59 (UTC)
[Reward Distribution] : 03/01/2018 (UTC)
- Gold Channel Ticket(1Day)
- Master Scroll Package(1Day) 

**Please Note
1. Reward Distribution schedule is subject to change.
2. You can receive rewards only ONCE per account.
3. Please play enough since in-game playtime and real-time might be different.
4. Playtime may not count if the game has ended due to scheduled maintenance.
    Please finish your game before the maintenance begins. 
5. Playtime may not count if the game was forcibly ended.
6. You must accumulate more than 120hrs to get rewards. 

Thank You
MU Support Team