MU Online Official



MMOsite Xmas Event Winners Announcement


Greetings Mutizens,

Thank you for participating in MU online_MMOsite Xmas event.
Below is the list of winners and the prizes will be given during the maintenance time on Jan 06.


Rank          server                  IGN
1               Valhalla               Emil                  Talisman of Chaos Assembly
2               Midgard               Mozaa              Talisman of Luck 5%
2               Valhalla               Verypwner   
2               Valhalla               Nheyla  
3               Valhalla               MrBird               Demon
3               Hellheim               Cayosm
3               Midgard               Do0om
3               Valhalla               Deathwish
3               Valhalla               BigCook
3               Midgard               Budo
3               Hellheim               Jotunheimr
3               Valhalla               DarkLouis
3               Valhalla               Napi
3               Midgard               CompMG
3               Valhalla               HellSage
3               Midgard               Summage
3               Helheim                Rabasoul
3               Midgard               Taurine
3               Valhalla               Xicario
3               Midgard               Beerdrunk


Congratulations to above winners!


*If there is no space in the inventory, the prizes will be given other character’s inventory in the same server under the account.


Thank you