Greetings Mutizens,
Here are answers to frequent questions on Gold Channel Ticket.
Q. I bought the Gold Channel Ticket, but I cannot find it in my inventory.
A. When you purchase a ticket, it will take an effect 30 min later, but there is no item left in the inventory like when you bought a Seal of Wealth.
Q. Do I get more EXP if I use Seal of Wealth in Gold Channel?
A Yes. You may get up to 533% EXP boost.
Q. I bought the ticket, but I cannot enter the gold channel.
A. If you have a trouble entering the gold channel, please make sure you have waited 30 minutes before clicking Channel 1 or Channel 2.
Q I wanted to buy two tickets so I can play in gold channel for two weeks, but it doesn’t work.
A Unfortunately you cannot buy a ticket when another one is already active. Please wait till your ticket expires to purchase another one.
Q I bought a ticket but I don’t remember when.
A You may check gold channel remaining time in the upper corner of character selection screen.
Q How long gold channel will run?
A 5 weeks from Feb 24. If there’s any change, we will keep you informed.
Q Do I get disconnected automatically when my gold channel ticket expires?
A Yes. Please check your remaining time each time you enter.
Thank you.