MU Online Official


Known Issues

Announcement about Jewel of Chaos issue



First of all, we sincerely apologize for subsequently occurring recent issues. We would like to explain about one of the recent issues.

As a considerable number of Mutizen is well aware, Global MU has been recently affected by external influences such as DDOS attacks and hacking attempts on an item shop.

It is presumed that those external influences also forcibly altered the price of Jewel of Chaos [10] which had been inappropriately purchased for 3 goblin points.

Through recently performed maintenances, we solved those issues, although multi-client issue occurred instead.

All the Jewel of Chaos items that were inappropriately purchased for 3 goblin points have been deleted and there will be no rollback.

Since we acknowledge that we couldn’t effectively prevent those external influences, we will compensate those involved in this issue by giving each of them spent goblin points.

Also, considering those who accidently bought some Jewel of Chose items from someone, we will give each of them Gold Channel Ticket [3Days] as an additional compensation.

Once again, we apologize to all Mutizens about making you concerned about a security issue, and we will put our full effort not to make such this issue happen again.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

MU Support Team