UKash Now Available!
Greetings everyone, We are glad to announce the recent addition of UKash at If you are coming from countries such asFrance, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdomyou may now use UKash to purchase W Coins. Thank you all for your support and we wi...
Scroll and talisman Blow-out Sale (3day-only)
MU Item Shop is holding its 2nd Blow-out sale! If you have missed your chance of buying Talisman of Chaos Assembly or Scrolls, don’t miss this one! <Items List> Scrolls Type Function Sale Price Battle Increases Critical Damage by 20% 75 W Coin (50%off) Quickness Inc...
Update Notice September 23, 2009
Dear Mutizens, Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Performed Tasks *NPC Leo has been added into the game to give out event prizes for The Return of the MU Warriors.Please see to the table below for details. *AT=Account Transfer*All the date...
Updated Full Client File Available! (New)
Dear MUtizens, Now the most recent MU Online Full Client Torrent File can be downloaded via P2P Client (TORRENT) File Name: MU1_03 full(Eng).exe If you are experiencing any patch/FTP errors, we would like to recommend you to download the file above. P...
Castle Siege Test Event
Hello Mutizens, After a long preparation period, Castle Siege is finally ready for the last test.On the 26th of September, we would like to invite all of you to join the Castle Siege Test Event. This test will be run under the exact same circumstances as the official one. Please read the follow...
Update Notice September 16, 2009 (New)
Dear Mutizens, Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Performed Tasks *MU FALL CELEBRATION event is finished.*Luna rabbits are taken out from the game.*By popular request, we decided to extend 3 day seals sales in the item shop. *All server exp...
FTP Error Notice Update
Attention Mutizens, We are sincerely sorry for the “Cannot connect to FTP” error. As our technical department has been working on this matter, we are hoping to come out with a solution next week. Please be assured that there will be a compensation followed for those of you who has bought th...
Cannot connect to FTP error notice
Hello After today's weekly maintenance, we have received some inquiries concerning FTP errors.Our Tech department is presently working on this matter and hoping to solve it soon. If you have any updated information or screen shots related to FTP error, please post it to Bug/Hacking Submission ...
Update Notice September 09, 2009
Dear Mutizens, Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Performed Tasks *Text editing for upcoming Castle Siege We are now in the final stages of preparation for the upcoming Castle Siege.Our apologies for the delay and will do our best to deliv...
Update Notice September 02, 2009
Dear Mutizens, Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Performed Tasks *MU ITEM SHOP BLOW-OUT SALE is finished.(Now scroll is back to original price and duration.)*MU FALL Celebration event started.>The Luna Rabbit, which drops Jewel of Chaos a...