Scheduled Maintenance on August 16, 2023 (UTC)
Greetings, There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on Aug 16,2023(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) - 2 hours **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change. Thank you, MU Support Team
Scheduled Maintenance on August 8, 2023 (UTC)(extended)
Greetings, There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on Aug 08,2023(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 03:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) 10:00 (UTC) - 7 hours (1hr Extended) **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change. Thank ...
Temporary Maintenance at 27th of July, 2023 (UTC)
Greetings, There will be Temporarymaintenance performed on July 27, 2023(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 08:00 ~09:00 08:40(UTC) **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change. We apologize for the brief maintenance held. Compens...
Scheduled Maintenance on July 25, 2023 (UTC)(modified)
Greetings, There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on July 25,2023(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) - 2 hours **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change. Thank you, MU Support Team
Temporary Maintenance at 13th of July, 2023 (UTC) - Rewards Announced
Greetings, There will be temporary maintenance performed on all servers on July 13,2023(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] July 13th of 2023, 06:00 ~ 8:00 (UTC) - 2 hours ---> adjusted to 06:00 ~ 07:20 [Maintenance Details] 1. Use of Blessing S...
Scheduled Maintenance on July 11, 2023 (UTC)(extended)
Greetings, There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on July 11,2023(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 03:00 ~ 10:00 (UTC) - 7 hours >03:00 ~ 09:15 (UTC) - 6 hours 15 mins The servers are opened at 09:15 11th of July The 4th S...
Scheduled Maintenance on June 27, 2023 (UTC)(extended)
[Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) - 2 hours
Scheduled Maintenance on June 20, 2023 (UTC)
[Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) - 2 hours
Temporary maintenance on June 14 2023 06:00 (UTC)
[Maintenance Schedule] 06:00 ~ 06:30 (UTC)
Scheduled Maintenance on June 13, 2023 (UTC)
[Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 10:00 (UTC) - 3 hours