MU Online Official



Beat the Heat 2nd Round Result


Greeting Mutizens,

Thank you all for participating the event.

Many users applied to this event with brilliant ideas, it was hard to choose who to be the winners.

The winners are 

 1. G Package - Asgard / Predd 

2. S Package - Helheim / WhiteFrost

 3. B Pacakge - Helheim / Yoirich


1st - G Package
Gold Channel Ticket 30 days + TOA1 30days + BOL greater 30ea + Master or Normal scroll packages 30 days

2nd - S Package
Gold Channel Ticket 7 days + TOA1 7 days + BOL greater 18ea + Master or Normal scroll packages (7 days 2EA + 1day 1EA)

3rd - B Package
Gold Channel Ticket 3days+ TOA1 3days+ BOL greater 5EA + Master or Normal scroll packages 7 days

*Every Participants
BOL greater 5EA

Distribution will be given to those who only meet the format.

1. Share the note, 2. Upload the image, 3. Hashtag 'Muonline,Webzen,MUfacebookevent.

Thank you for the attending this event.

MU support team.