MU Online Official



Regarding Skill Enhancement Tree Initialization (Extended)


Greetings MUtizens!

Our investigation regarding abusers are still on-going,
though we have decided to give a compensation to our affected players as a show of our gratitude for the patience and cooperation of the community.

As there will be no maintenance this week, purchasable below has been extended as below:
[Purchasable Period]: 12/12/2017 ~ 26/12/2017 Before Maintenance (UTC). 
[Purchasable Period]: 12/12/2017 ~ 26/12/2017 23:59 (UTC). 

"Skill Enhancement Tree Initialization" item will be given to our players for free and this can be claimed on "MU Premium Coupons"

** Please take note that this compensation item is only available once per account and will be available for claim for two weeks.

Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your continuous support.

How to use Skill Enhancement Tree Initialization?


Thank You
MU Support Team