MU Online Official



Attention - Update Your Account Security



We discovered that MU Homepage has undergone DDOS attacks and currently trying to fix this issue as fast as possible.


The temporary DDOS attacks on MU Homepage caused it to load much slower than it used to be but game play is not affected due to the previously enforced security.


MU Support Team takes every step to ensure your accounts are as secure as possible. In line with this, we recommend that you update your account password to increase account security.


When creating your passwords, try to use a combination of letters of mixed case and numbers.

Generally if the password is in the dictionary, it will be discovered in a very short period of time.


Also, be advised to make the password of at least 8 characters in length and make use of special character when updating your Account password to ensure your password is strong.


We apologize for any inconvenience related to this issue and will notify Mutizens of further news soon. Please ensure that changing password will help to increase your security a lot.


Thank you for your understanding.

MU Support Team