ประกาศ ประกาศ Regarding Speed Server Ranking Event 700LV Reward Distribution 8/8/2022 Greetings, We sincerely apologize that the 100,000 Ruud reward for 700LV distribution was delayed.Currently, Rewards are distributed. Please check your webshop(inbox) or x-shop(in-game) that the reward has been received. Thank YouMU Support Team ดูรายการ
ประกาศ Regarding Speed Server Ranking Event 700LV Reward Distribution 8/8/2022 Greetings, We sincerely apologize that the 100,000 Ruud reward for 700LV distribution was delayed.Currently, Rewards are distributed. Please check your webshop(inbox) or x-shop(in-game) that the reward has been received. Thank YouMU Support Team