Regarding rewards for Official discord Event
Greetings MUtizens, Thank you all for playing MU Online and participating Discord Open Event. As we mentioned before, we will prepare rewards in the X-shop. [Period]: After maintenance on SEP 20, 2022 ~ Before maintenance on SEP 27, 2022 (UTC) * You will get items as below : - Gold Channel Ticket(...
Season 17 Part 1 Roulette Ranking Event Winner Announcement
For the ranked players of 1st~5th, please submit a CS ticket regarding your reward choice until Sep 25, 2022.
Season 17 Speed Server - Bonus Ranking Event Rewards have been distributed
Greetings, Season 17 Speed Server-Bonus Ranking Eventhas ended. We happily announce the 1st~10th ranked players. Also, we would like to inform thatRanking EventRewards have been distrbuted. Rank Server Name Reward 1 Alfheim WalterX15 Divine Archangel Weapon(+0) 2 Alfheim BONZE Divine A...
Scheduled Maintenance on 23/08/2022 (UTC)
[Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) - 2 hours
Regarding Scroll Master of Recovery during Roulette Event Rewards. (Distributed)
Greetings Mutizens, It has been confirmed that the Seal of Healing item was incorrectly distributed instead of the Scroll Master of Recovery item from the Goblin Point Roulette rewards. The modification was completed on August 19, 2022, at 3:26 AM (UTC), and the Scroll Masterof Recovery will be re...
Rare Item Ticket 12+1~4 rewards list
If you acquire Rare Item Ticket 12+No., please submit a CS ticket to claim your prize according to this page. Rare Ticket No. Reward Item name Options Rare Item Ticket 12+1 +13 Earring of Glory(Left) +3 Option Earring of Glory(Left) - Increase Max HP - Increase Skillpower/Skill damage...
Scheduled Maintenance on 16/08/2022 (UTC)
[Maintenance Schedule] 03:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) - 6 hours
Temporary Web Maintenance on 11/08/2022
[Web Maintenance Schedule] 00:00 ~ 01:00 (UTC) - 1 hour
Regarding Speed Server Ranking Event 700LV Reward Distribution
Greetings, We sincerely apologize that the 100,000 Ruud reward for 700LV distribution was delayed. Currently, Rewards are distributed. Please check your webshop(inbox) or x-shop(in-game) that the reward has been received. Thank You MU Support Team
The first lord of the castle Rewards Announcement (Noatun and Jotuntheim) (Modified)
Thank you for participating in the First Castle Siege