Game Silk Update (Price change)
Greetings, W Coin 1000 is now available for 15TL! Please check it out at Best, MU Support Team *The price is subject to change
Welcoming New MU Volunteers(Update)
Greetings Mutizens, We are happy to inform you the new MU Volunteers! Katys** (Spanish) Shofie** (Dutch) kelvarnsen**(German) guardem**(Spanish)Hail4ever20**(Portuguese) Toiletpaper3**(English) They’ve successfully finished their training, and would like to continue their work as a MU ...
Nyxberry Bonus W Coin Giveaway [Delayed]
Greetings Mutizens, Thank you for participating in Nyxberry bonus W Coin event. There is a delay in giving away bonus W Coins at the moment, and it will be completed by Aug 03. (GST) We apologize for the inconvenience and will do our best to deliver bonus W Coins at the soonest possible tim...
MMOsite 5th year Anniversary Event Winners
Greetings, Following are the wiinners of MMOsite 5th year anniversary event. Please check your inventory/storage or inbox in MU Item Shop to retrieve your prizes. 1st place 1 Talisman of Chaos Assembly 1Valhalla Zulajayim 2nd place 1 Talisman of Luck (5%) 2Valhalla MrBird2Valhalla Under...
Maintenance Notice - July 28, 2010
Hello, Thank you for participating in MU Online. Scheduled Maintenance on July 28, 2010 There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, July 28,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time July 28, 15:00 pm ~ 17:00 pm (...
Temporary ISP Network Maintenance on July 22, 2010
Hello, Temporary ISP Network Maintenance on July 22, 2010 There will be Temporary maintenance performed on the ISP networks on, July 22,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <WebzenISP Network Maintenance Details> ■ Time July 22, 08:00 ~13:00 GST ※Please note that t...
<Limited Period>TCA item now in Item shop!
Dear MUtizens, New item arrival in MU Item Shop. Limited to this week-ends only Don't miss your chance! Sales Period : July. 23, 2010 ~ July. 26, 2010 (4 Days) Talisman of Chaos Assembly How to use Talisman of Chaos Assembly(TCA)
Update Notice July 21,2010
Dear Mutizens, Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Performed Tasks *MU Summer Fiesta [OFF] *Summer Vacation Special![ON]-Fire Flam Ghosts are visiting MU continent.(Jewel, lots of ZEN and excellent item drop)-Level up package in Item Shop-G...
Maintenance Notice - July 21, 2010
Hello, Thank you for participating in MU Online. Scheduled Maintenance on July 21, 2010 There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, July 21,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time July 21, 15:00 pm ~ 17:00 pm (2 ho...
Gamesilk now available at MU Online!
Greetings, We are happy to inform you that Gamesilk is now available at WEBZEN. "Kredi Kartı, Paypal, Moneybookers, ATM'den para yatırarak, PTT'den Ödeme, Banka Havalesi, Turkcel ve Avea Mobil Ödeme, En yakın Bayi İnternet Kafeden 10 dakika içinde alışveriş im...