Looking for Language Experts!
Dear all, Did you know WEBZEN.COM supports multi-lingual website? As part of our large effort to improve user experience, we’re introducing more diversified language options. Please select your preferred language from the box located on the top right corner. We would like to give s...
MU Online Connection Error Compensation Notice
Greetings, We apologize deeply for the connection errors that happened recently. MU Online would like to promise you that we will do our best to prevent any further errors. Again, we are very sorry for the inconveniences, and here goes our plans for compensation. Compensation Recipient: Every...
INEXUS now available at WEBZEN
Greetings Mutizens, We are happy to inform you that INEXUS E-pin service is now available for Polish players! Please find more information at Thank you. Best regards, MU Support Team
Temporary Maintenance on March 31, 2010
Hello, Thank you for playing MU Online. We will undergo a server maintenance in an attempt to restore the recent stability issue. Please refer to the following maintenance details. ■ Time March,31 20:10 ~ March, 21:10 ※Please note the time is subject to change. ■ Perform Tasks Serve...
MU Online joins MMOsite Easter Event
Greetings, This is MU Online. We are joining MMOsite for Easter Event, please check out following link for more information. Thank you! MU Support Team
Maintenance Notice - March 31, 2010
Hello, Thank you for participating in MU Online. Scheduled Maintenance on March 31, 2010 There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, March 31,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time March 31, 15:00 pm ~ 17:00 p...
MU Online Connection Error Official Apology
Greetings, We would like to apologize for the connection error on Mar 20 and on Mar 24 after the maintenance.This has been resolved, but we deeply apologize that we could not prevent this earlier.(Go to see the solution notice) We promise that we will put our best efforts to not to have this e...
Vulcanus Video Event Announcement
Greetings Mutizens, We are happy to announce three winners of Vulcanus video event! 1st place teodeni** 2nd place nuobm** 3rd place Basur** Congratulations to winners above. The rewards will be delivered soon. Thank you. MU Support Team *Videosfor March Film Festival will receive...
Temporary Maintenance on March 25, 2010
Hello, Thank you for playing MU Online. We will undergo a server maintenance in an attempt to restore the recent stability issue. Please refer to the following maintenance details. ■ Time March, 25 00:30 ~ March, 25 01:00 ※Please note the time is subject to change. ■ Perform Tasks S...
Disconnection Solution
Greetings, Today’s connection error was due to domain host file updates.The update should be auto-installed after a few hours, but if you wish to connect right now, please follow below steps. 1.Click Start and then click Run-Copy and past belowC:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc-It will take you to...