No Maintenance on 19/05/2020 (UTC)
Speed Server will end on 19/05/2020 (UTC) without maintenance.
Speed Server Ranking Event Rewards have been distributed
Greetings, Speed Server Ranking Event period has ended. We happily announce the 1st~5th ranked players of total accumulated score. Also, we would like to inform thatRanking EventRewards have been distrbuted. Rank Name Reward 1 Fast 200,000 Ruud + (HERO) Bloodangel Soul x 4 2 ...
How to Get Free Server Transfer Coupon
Transfer Period : 12/05/2020 ~ 02/06/2020 Before Maintenance (UTC)
Scheduled Maintenance on 12/05/2020 (UTC)
Greetings, There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on 12/05/2020(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change. Thank you, MU Support Team
Critial Ring(Lethal Wizard's Ring) will no longer be on shop
Greetings MUtizens, Due to issues regarding the itemCritial Ring(Lethal Wizard's Ring) will no longer be on shopfrom8 May, 2020 (UTC). We are asking for the understanding of the community as well as their cooperation for this issue. Thank You MU Support Team
No Maintenance on 05/05/2020 (UTC)
Greetings, Please be aware that there will be NO maintenance on 05/05/2020 (UTC). Sincerely, MU Support Team
Event Inventory Reset Schedule
Greetings, There will be the next scheduled Event Inventory Reset during the maintenance on28/04/2020 (UTC). We advise you to use all your event items such as Muun Eggs inside the Event Inventory before this time. **Please Note - The details of schedule is subject to change. Thank You MU Support...
Scheduled Maintenance on 28/04/2020 (UTC)
Greetings, There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on 28/04/2020(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) ->[Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 09:30 (UTC) **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change...
Arcadia Hunting Ranking Event Rewards have been distributed
Greetings, Arcadia Hunting Ranking Event has finally ended. We happily announce the 1st~10thranked players of Nixies Lake and Ferea. Also, we would like to inform that allRewards have been distributed on April 21, 2020 (UTC). [Final Ranking] Nixies Lake Rank Name Level EXP 1 Wi...
Problemas Conocidos
About Level Up Perks Reward issue
Dear MUtizens, There has been a misunderstanding with the Speed Event Level Up Perks! Our team would like to apologize for the inconvenience and confusion this has caused to the affected players. During the Scheduled Maintenance on 21/04/2020, certain rewards of level group below will be fixed ...