Temporary Maintenance on homepage
Temporary Maintenance on April 27, 2011 (GST) There will be temporary maintenance performed on April 27.Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time April 27, 19:00 pm ~ 19:30 pm (GST) ※Please note that time is subject to change. ■ P...
Update Notice on Apr 27, 2011
Update Notice. Greetings, Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Evolution of Attendance Event [OFF] Evolution of Attendance Event successfully ended. Thank you for the participation. Chocolate Event [ON] Monsters drop chocolate box...
Maintenance on April 27 , 2011 (GST)
Scheduled Maintenance on April 27 , 2011 (GST) There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, April 27,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time April 27, 15:00 pm ~ 17:00 pm (2 hours ) ※Please note that time is subj...
MU Security Card Guide
MU Security Card will be available from Apr 27, 2011(GST) after maintenance. If you want to participate in MU Security Card Event, please click the link below. http://muonline.webzen.com/Event/110427_SecurityCard/
Chocolate Event will be held on Apr 27, 2011(GST)
Maintenance on April 20 , 2011 (GST)
Scheduled Maintenance on April 20 , 2011 (GST) There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, April 20,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time April 20, 15:00 pm ~ 17:00 pm (2 hours ) ※Please note that time is subj...
Moneybookers P coin event successfully ended
Greetings, Moneybookers P coin event successfully ended as of Apr 18, 2011 24:00 (GST)We sincerely appreciate you all for having participated in this event. Since this event was set out to offer more opportunities to the users who couldn’t purchase W coins (P) due to lack of payment option,...
Maintenance on April 13 , 2011 (GST)
Scheduled Maintenance on April 13 , 2011 (GST) There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, April 13,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time April 13, 15:00 pm ~ 17:00 pm (2 hours ) ※Please note that time is subj...
3rd Roll- Back Event Completion
Greetings, Roll- Event successfully ended and many players got their lost items back as ofApr 6, 2011. (GST) Please note that you wouldn’t have got the items or characters back if your account didn’t meet the specific condition of event rule. Roll Back Event will be ceased for a while. Thank ...
Details of Chaos Card Red
http://muonline.webzen.com/Event/100701_ChaosCard/Default.aspx http://www.webzen.com/