<Limited Period>Surprise items now in Item shop
Dear MUtizens, New item arrival in MU Item Shop. Limited to this week-ends only Don't miss your chance! Sales Period : Jan. 22, 2010 ~ Jan. 24, 2010 1st item : Talisman of Chaos Assembly How to use Talisman of Chaos Assembly(TCA)http://muonline.webzen.com/GameGuide/?nfc=2&nsc=1&nd...
Check your URL before logging in!
Greetings Mutizens, We’ve been receiving number of inquiries related to hacking attempt using fake links.Please make sure that you read carefully the spellings of URL before logging-in. Especially when you are asked to provide -Your ID and Password after copy+paste a forum link- IGN (In game nam...
Update Notice January 20, 2010
Dear Mutizens,Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Performed Tasks * MU 2010 New Year's Blast [OFF]-EXP Boost Up ended-Pouch of Bless Monsters are out *Gifts to talisman of luck purchase event winners [Completed] *NPC Leo in Devias will stay for...
Greetings Mutizens, We are happy to introduce new items in the shop. To celebrate the occasion, we are going to have 20% off sale for the new items.See below for more details! Event Period: Jan20 (after maintenance)- Feb 3(before maintenance) *LeapsEver dreamed of becoming stronger? Try t...
RPG Shop Bonus W Coin Giveaway
Greetings, We are happy to inform you that we are holding a 30 % Bonus W Coin Giveaway with RPG Shop.(Polish Prepaid Card Provider)A chance to get 30 more W Coin for your purchase! Event Period(GST) : Jan 20 (after the maintenance)~Jan 27 (Before the maintenance) *Bonus W Coin will be given ...
Maintenance Notice - 01/20/10
Hello, Thank you for participating in MU Online. Scheduled Maintenance on January 20, 2010 There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, January 20,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time January 20, 15:00 pm ~ 1...
MU Online 2010 <Find The Best Guild!>
Event 1Year 2010 Get to know my guild ! Event Period: Jan20 (after maintenance)- Feb 3(before maintenance)Prizes: Guild Mark forum emoticon for the first, second and third place winner guilds! Upload video of your guild and the members to Video Forum!Theme is open however the more number of the...
Excellent Item Winner Announcement
Greetings Mutizens! Thank you very much for participating in “Get Excellent Item on your Talisman of Luck 5% purchase” event! http://muonline.webzen.com/News/Event/Default.aspx?iBS=604 The excellent Item winners 200th purchase winner: Helheim-Rondee_Excellent ring of poison automatic HP re...
MMOsite Contest Participate and Win Exp Boost UP!
Greetings Mutizens,Right now at MMOsite, Reader’s Choice Award is open for vote! MU Online is participating in two categories as follows; <1> Game Style:1. Favorite MMORPG<2> Game Feature1. Best F2P If MU Online wins the first place, it will hold an immense EXP Boost up event f...
Be a MU orkut moderator!
Hello Mutizens, I’m happy to inform you that due popular requests MU Online has decided to open an orkut community. If anyone is interested in becoming a moderator of official MU orkut community, please fill out form below and send it to global_admin@webzen.com *Application PeriodJan 24th 201...