Recruit a Friend Event Winners
Dear Mutizens, Here goes the winners of Recruit a Friend Event. Congratulations to all the winners! 1.Which Country Will Win Gold Chanel Ticket The first place goes to Venezuela. Congratulations! Event reward delivery will begin today. Please understand that it may take some time due to la...
Update Notice Oct 06, 2010
Dear Mutizens, Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Performed Tasks *Loren Market’s vault NPC is temporarily on leave. -It will be announced via Notice board when he comes back. *Talisman of Chaos Assembly+ Talisman of Luck error [Fixed] You ...
Maintenance Notice - October 6, 2010
Hello, Thank you for participating in MU Online. Scheduled Maintenance on October 6, 2010 There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, October 6,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time October 6, 15:00 pm ~ 17:0...
MU FB Special Event Winners
Greetings Mutizens, Thank you all who participated in MU 5.4 Coming Soon! Recruit a Friend! #4 MUFB Special Below goes the winners of this event, please log-on and check W Coin History. Prize: W Coin 500 (P) rina**killer**Xalex0**alubkm31**Brunoroxa**mcg**Crispu**labase**Anark**gustavo**jh...
Update Notice Sep 29, 2010
Hello, Following are details for Season 5.4 and Spanish/Portuguese client update on Sept 29th 2010Please click below link to check out new features of Season 5.4. Performed Tasks *Recruit a friend event [OFF]-Event prize information will be announced soon via Notice board.-Gold Channel Ti...
Start klienta gry Global Mu Online
1. Odwiedź i stwórz własne WEBZEN.COM konto. 2. Przejdź do strony download, aby ściągnąć. 3. Zainstaluj klienta gry na swoim PC. 4. Idź do oficjalnej strony Global MU Online,
Where to download MU S 5.4 Client and Manual Patch
Hello, Thank you for participating in MU Online. Manual Patch: MMOsite: Gamershell: Ausgamers: Atomic Gamer...
Maintenance Notice - September 29, 2010
Hello, Thank you for participating in MU Online. Scheduled Maintenance on September 29, 2010 There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on, September 29,Please refer to the following maintenance details. <MU Online Maintenance Details> ■ Time September 29, 15:00 ...
Maintenance Notice - September 22, 2010
Greetings!No Scheduled Maintenance on September 22, 2010 (GST)According to Webzen internal condition, for this weekyou are able to enjoy the Mu online without any maintenance performance.We appreciate for your support and patience.Thank you.
Brazilian Independence Day Bonus Cash (Delayed)
Greetings Mutizens, Due to technical difficulties, Bonus W Coin will be delayed until September 30th.We apologize for the inconvenience, and please see below for details. <Delivery Date Change for Bonus W Coin> Sept 16 -> Sept 30 *Bonus W Coin will be valid till Oct 03th.*Event 2 Wi...