Update Notice September 02, 2009
Dear Mutizens, Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Performed Tasks *MU ITEM SHOP BLOW-OUT SALE is finished.(Now scroll is back to original price and duration.)*MU FALL Celebration event started.>The Luna Rabbit, which drops Jewel of Chaos a...
Volunteer Application Process Update
Greetings Mutizens, This is an official announcement that Volunteer application submission is now closed. Thank you for all your enthusiastic participation, it is going to be a tough one to finalize the candidates. Keep an eye on the notice board for the final announcement! Best regards,
Update Notice August 26, 2009
Dear Mutizens, Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Performed Tasks *MU ITEM SHOP BLOW-OUT SALE event commences!(Click to see details.)*The 2nd Item Shop Opening Event ended. EXP Event & Talisman of Luck Sale finished.*Please retrieve your ...
Greetings Mutizens, Thank you all for using MU Item Shop. Due to popular demand, we have decided to hold a special scroll event! During this event scrolls will last 3 times longer, and you may purchase all 8 scrolls at the 50% off price. Types of Scrolls(Battle, Quickness, Strenthener,: 75 W C...
Important Notice on Direct Inquiries
Attention Mutizens, As more games are being launched via, we are now seeing a significant increase in the number of inquiries. To facilitate the process and respond to each inquiry more effectively, we would like to suggest doing the following from now on. 1.Write [MU] ...
Archlord server grand open!
Greetings! We are pleased to announce that the Archlord: Arch Battle of the World is now finally available!Thanks to all participants of the Beta testing who have highly effected on a fine-tuning of Archlord. ▷Archlord with a Tullan server will start on August, 19th 2009 21:00(GST) ▷In-...
Update Notice August 19, 2009
Dear Mutizens, Please see below information on the update performed during the schedule maintenance. Performed Tasks *Please redeem your "The 2nd Item Shop Opening Event" bonus items from NPC Leo in Devias.:Anyone who purchased either Talisman of Chaos Assembly or Talisman of Luck5% (or both)...
Recruiting Volunteers for the Official Forum!
MU Online team would like to show our appreciation to all Mutizens for creating such a supportive environment.We are now looking for enthusiastic volunteers to assist us to organize and conduct more efficient forum. If you're interested in becoming a responsive community member, this might be yo...
ISP Line Operation Notice (Game DC)
Greetings, Due to ISP operation on MU Online circuits, some disconnection are expected to occur during game play temporarily. Time& Date: 12:00-13:00 (GST), AUG 19,2009 Details: Upgrade on MU Online service line. Possible disconnection during above time period. Thank you.
End of Sale Notice <Talisman of Chaos Assembly>
Hello, Thank you for purchasing TCA. Please note that the sale will end 03:00(GST) 14 August. Thank you.