Seasonal Improvements

Season 19-2 Improvements

1. Level Cap Increased & Season Rewards (2nd Update)

1) Increased Max Character Level

The maximum level cap has been increased from level 1600 to 1650.

Max Level


2. Season Level Reward

- Receive a gift box by reaching Lv. 1600 before the next season.

- The Reward Box will be sent to your Gremory Case and must be claimed within 30 days.

- The reward box redeemed from the Gremory Case expires after 14 days.

- Throwing the Reward Box on the floor allows the user to receive a [Dark Lord] Muun.

Muun Image


Basic Ability

Additional Ability


Dark Lord

When equipped with Muun
 Elemental DEF +10

Basic abilities increase by 20x for 30 days 

after obtaining Muun

- Reward Boxes deleted due to having been expired cannot be restored.

- Expired Reward Boxes cannot be restored.