Temporary Maintenance on 5~8 channels of Nidavellir at 7th of NOV, 2023 (UTC) (Modified)
Greetings, There will be Temporarymaintenance performed onNOV 7th, 2023(UTC) . Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 20:00 ~21:00 20:17(UTC) **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change. - The temporary maintenance will be held toresolve the e...
2023 Mysterious Ranking Event Winner announcement (1st~3rd Week)
Greetings, 2023 Mysterious Ranking Eventhas ended. Thank you all forplaying MU Online and participating 2023 Mysterious Ranking Event. We happily announce the 1st~5th ranked players of total accumulated score. 2023 Mysterious Ranking EventWinners Rank Name Points Reward 1st Week 1 ...
Scheduled Maintenance on November 7, 2023 (UTC)
Greetings, There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on NOV 7th,2023(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) - 2 hours **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change. Thank you, MU Support Team
Event Inventory Reset during the maintenance on November 7th
Greetings, There will be Event Inventory Reset during the maintenance onNovember 07, 2023 (UTC). We advise you to use all your event items such as Muun Eggs inside the Event Inventory before this time. **Please Note - The details of schedule is subject to change. Thank You MU Support Team
Item Restoration of the Expired Items at the 1~4 channels of Nidavellir
Dear MUtizens! We would like to inform that we have restored the abnormally expired items (*1~4 channels of Nidavellir Server)on November 3rd, please check the ingame X-shop or Shopping List of the webpage. And other items including Bloodangel equipment will be restored as soon as possible. O...
2023 Halloween Event 'Mission 3&4&All 4 Mission' Rewards have been distributed
Dear Mutizens! We would like to inform you that'2023 Halloween Event - Mission 3&4&All 4 Mission'Rewardshave been distributed on November 1st. Rewards: - Mission3 :Skeleton Ring (3Days) + Pet Skeleton (3Days) - Mission4 : Blood Castle TicketX4 + Devil Square TicketX4 - All 4 Mission : Gold ...
Temporary Maintenance on 1~4 channels of Nidavellir at 27th of OCT, 2023 (UTC)
Greetings, There will be Temporarymaintenance performed on OCT 27th, 2023(UTC) . Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 06:30 ~07:30(UTC) **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change. - The temporary maintenance will be held toresolve the expir...
Update of Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on October 24, 2023
During the scheduled maintenance on October 24th, the content of Terms of Service and Privacy Policy was updated. We encourage you to review the revisions carefully at your earliest convenience as they have taken effect at the time of the update. As previously announced, the major changes include: ...
2023 Halloween Event 'Mission 1&2' Rewards have been distributed
Dear Mutizens! We would like to inform you that'2023 Halloween Event - Mission 1&2'Rewardshave been distributed on October 24th. Rewards: - Mission1 : [Bound]Bless of Light(Greater)X5 - Mission2 : Scroll Package(3Days) Thanks for enjoying MU Online ! Thank you MU Support Team.
Schedule for the First Castle Siege in Nidavellir & Niflheim
Dear Mutizens, The FIRST Castle Siege will be heldNidavellir & Niflheim on November 11, 2023. - Nidavellir is a server where Castle Sieges are held in time for 21:00~23:00 PM (UTC) like Helheim, Alfheim, Midgard, Arcadia, and Fresei servers. - Niflheim is a server where Castle Sieges are held...