Master/Normal Scroll Issue has been fixed.
Greetings, We are glad to inform our MUtizens that the visual issue has been fixed after the scheduled maintenance on 09/01/2018 (UTC). Master/Normal Scroll effects will be applied PROPERLY in Character Information (Hot key C) To see previous notice, please clickHERE. Thank you for your patience. ...
Regarding Master/Normal Scroll Issue
Greetings, We’ve received reports that Master/Normal Scrolls are not working after using it In-game Shop Inventory. Fortunately, we have found that Srolls are working PROPERLY but effects are not shown in Character Information (Hot key C). We will find a way to fix the visual issue ASAP. Tha...
Compensation Box for Connection Issue in Game (19/10~26/10 UTC)
Greetings, There were connection issues in game on October 18, 2017 21:30 PM ~ October 19, 2017 2:10 AM (UTC). We have prepared a Compensation Box for Mutizens. You can purchase Compensation Box in both Webshop and Ingame Shop for 0Wcoin. You can receive the Box untilOctober 26, 2017 23:59 PM (UT...
Regarding Connection Issue in game (RESOLVED)
Greetings, A server disconnection occurred on October 18, 2017 21:30 PM (UTC). The team is well aware of the issue and are closely communicating with the technical team to have the issue fixed the soonest time possible. Please stay tuned to our official website to get updated regarding the situat...
Regarding Rare Item Ticket 9 Issue
Greetings! We have found out that there was a bug in certain Rare Item Ticket 9. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the disappearance of Rare item Ticket 9. We have prepared a compensation box for Mutizens who got affected by this issue. If you are one of those players please che...
Connection Issue on 6/1 Compensation Announcement
Greetings MUtizens! We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the disability that occurred on June 1st. We have prepared a TMC(Temporary Maintenance Compensation) BOX for Mutziens. You can purchase TMC Box in both Webshop and Ingame Shop for 0Wcoin. **Please note - You can only purchase TMC Box...
Regarding Roullet Ranking Reward Issue
Greetings Mutizens! Currently, the reward for the 1st to 4th Ranker in the roulette rankings is delayed. For Roulette Ranking Event Reward Distribution, please kindly send us CS ticket with your character name and server that you want to receive rewards. We will do our best to reward as fast as we...
Regarding Connection Issue UPDATE! (06/01/2017)
Greetings MUtizens! Please be informed that our developers are continuously working on the issue and we are glad to inform you that we are gaining a steady progress. Our effort in fixing the issue is still on-going and we are fully aware that there are players who are still affected by this connecti...
Regarding Connection Issue
Greetings MUtizens! MU Online is currently experiencing an unstable connection issue. Please be informed that we are aware of the issue and are working on it. Please stand by for our official announcement once the issue has been resolved. We sincerely apologize for any incovenience this may have ca...
Timed Mastery Weapon Providing Issue (Modified)
Dear Mutizens, We found error regarding Timed Mastery Weapon Box. Also, items below will be unavailable in both Webshop and In-game Shop as of May 23 09:00 (UTC). If it is fixed, we'll announce by notice. The Timed Mastery Weapon Box can be bought in both Webshop and In-game Shop as of May 23 10:00...