Scheduled Maintenance on September 24, 2024 (UTC)
Greetings, There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on SEP 24th,2024(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 07:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) - 2 hours **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change. Thank you, MU Support Team
Season 19 Part 1 Roulette Ranking Event Winner Announcement (distributed)
For the ranked players of 1st~5th, please submit a CS ticket regarding your reward choice until October 25, 2024.
Regarding the ranking page issue on 12th of September, 2024
Greetings, MUtizens First of all, Thank you all for playing MU Online. Due to technical issues within the database display, the rankings displayed on the ranking page were incorrect, but the issue is currently under investigation, and the correct rankings shall be displayed as soon as possible. W...
Regarding Monster Soul Converter Issue at 10th of September, 2024 (Resolved and reward sent)
Dear MUtizens, Please note that several reports regarding the Monster Soul Converter Rewards has been submitted after the scheduled maintenance of 10th of September and is currently under investigation. Until the issue has been correctly identified and resolved, we strongly ask that you refrain f...
Scheduled Maintenance on September 10, 2024 (UTC)
Greetings, There will be scheduled maintenance performed on all servers on SEP 10th,2024(UTC). Please refer to the following maintenance details. [Maintenance Schedule] 02:00 ~ 09:00 (UTC) - 6 hours **Please note - The details of schedule are subject to change. Thank you, MU Support Team
Regarding misleading information on Season 19-1 2nd Update Notice (08/23)
Greetings, Please note that certain text shown on the event webpage has been misguided and will be adjusted as soon as possible. Please refer to the notice and make sure there is no misunderstanding regarding the event. Issued webpage :
Notice regarding the Dimensional Roulette and exchange list for Rare Ticket
Greetings, Please note that the exchange list for Rare Tickets 12+1,2,3 has been updated along with the Season 19-1 2nd Update. For Ydalir users, the Mastery Items can be exchanged to lower Tier upon choice and please refer to the details at the link below. Link : Rare Ticket Exchange List Al...
Rare Item Ticket 12+1~4 rewards list (updated on 12th of MAR, 2025)
** Please note that the exchange item list for Rare Ticket 12+1, 12+2, 12+3, and 12+4 has been changed and finalized on 12th of March. * The latest change of the reward lists can be checked in the bottom of the current notice. * If you acquire Rare Item Ticket 12+No. (12+1 ~ 12+4), please submit a ...
Winner Announcement for Season 19-1 Speed Server Ranking Event (distributed)
Greetings, The New Season 19 Speed Server Raking Eventhas ended. First of all, Thank you all forplaying MU Online and participating the New Season Speed Server Ranking Event. Due to technical issues within the database display, the rankings displayed on the event rankings page were incorrect, but...
Notice on Season 19 Speed Server Ranking Winner Announcement
Dear Mutizens. First of all, we would like to thank those who participated in the Season 19 Speed Server Ranking Event. We have found suspicious data regarding the Ranking Winner and currently investigating the issue. Please note that the winner announcement will be delayed as the investigation tak...