- Ease of function for users has been added.
- You do not need to use macroinstruction to find a party.
- You can play easily through party / guild matching.
- You can grow your character easily by joining party / guild matching.
- Recruitment time will be reduced by this system.
- You can enjoy more contents that you could not experience.
Detailed Information
1. How to use
- ‘N’ button or Community icon - Select [Matching] on basic menu to choose Party / Guild matching.

2. Condition to use
- A murderer will be restricted to use.
- There is not limited level but matching system has limit in some area.
Map / Progress | |||||||
Location | Lorencia Market | Loren Valley | Arca War | Vulcanus | Illusion Temple | Chaos Castle | Empire Guardian |
Party Matching | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Guild Matching | X | O | O | X | O | X | X |
3. Conditions of Cancellation
- When a character is disconnected, registration of recruitment and request will be removed to be cancelled.
- Registration of guild matching will be deleted during the last scheduled maintenance every month.
- Registration can be canceled using [Suspend Party Member Search] menu any time.
- When a character becomes a murderer during registration, ad will be deleted automatically.
4. Setting Window
- Choose Party matching or Guild matching on Matching window or click ‘N’ button.
Receive party members
- Party matching is divided as Find Party
Members, Search Party and Accept menus.
- Find Members is divided as Subject Level
and Class etc. by a purpose users want.
Register Party Matching Tap
Accept Tap
Name | Description |
Description of How to Receive Party Members | It is a title and indispensable part. You can write within 20 characters. |
Password | Only four numbers can be entered and you can set up closed. |
Auto Accept | When you tick Auto Accept, a character will become a party member without waiting for accept. |
Level of Party Members Desired | Level section settings for searching party members can be set by levels of 10. [EX - 10, 20 , 30] |
Hunting Ground | It will be shown in ad and you can choose a hunting ground after found party members. |
Class | Choose class for a party member. |
Register | This is the last step to register ad to find a party member. |
Accept | Accept / Deny taps for registered party members after posted ad. |
Suspend Party Member Search | This is a button to cancel your ad. |
Search Party
- You can search a party or apply for a party
Search Party Tap
View Party Membership Tap
Search Party setting
Function Name | Description |
Random Party Matching | It will automatically find you a party that meets the conditions for your character. |
Search Subject Lines | Searching a subject line through a word from registered ads. |
Find Party Members List | Appropriate ads are arranged for your condition. |
View open party available | Appropriate ads are arranged for your condition. |
View Waiting Status | It is window to check status of waiting for Approval to Join a Party. |
Reset List | Updating the latest ads. |
Find guild Members
- Guild Matching is divided as ‘Find Guild members’, ‘Search Guild’ and Accept.
- ‘Find Guild member’ can be composed as subject lines, level, class, interests by purpose.
- You can find a guild member or a guild to join.
Search Guild Tap
View Register Guild Tap
Search Guild Setting
Function Name | Description |
Search Subject Lines | Searching a subject line through a word from registered. |
Find Party Members List | Showing all registered ads of guild and ‘Register’ button will be activated for suitable ad for your condition. |
View Waiting Status | It is window to check status of waiting for Approval to Join a guild. |
Reset List | Updating the latest ads. |
Register Alert
- Alert icon will be displayed on a screen, when a request of waiting for Approval to join a party or guild comes after completed registration.
- The icon will make an alert sound at the first time and will flash on a screen.
- When you click the icon, a menu for accept will be shown.
- When a player cancel register, the icon will disappear.