Tormenta Island

Tormenta Island

Season19 Part1-2 New Hunting Ground Tomenta Island

New Hunting Ground Tomenta Island

1. Gore Tarkan

1) Background Story

This is a tale before Elveland existed.

After Elve was annihilated by Lemuria the Elveans escaped to the giant island above “Tormenta Island” that was absorbing its energy. To stop further attacks from Lemuria, the Elveans formed Iruha’s Wall to protect the giant island.

After failing to destroy Iruha’s Wall, Lemuria proceeds to take control of the island’s energy source, “Tormenta Island” by sending her minions and seals it off entirely.

The Elveans fall into a comatose state after forming Iruha’s Wall, and after Lemuria’s seal on “Tormenta Island” weakens, they slowly begin to regain consciousness and form the Elveland of current day.

Although Lemuria’s seal on “Tormenta Island” has worn off, Lemuria’s influence still remains on it,

and although approaching “Tormenta Island” was quite difficult due to it radiating powerful energies, the energies have weakened after the island was sealed off for a long time, and the island became known to the world after the seal had completely worn off.

Most of Lemuria’s minions have been eradicated, but some have become Spirit-type Monsters after fusing with the island’s powerful energies, becoming the new masters of “Tormenta Island’.

2) Map Info

Hunting Ground


Entry Level

Farming Penalty Level

Tormenta Island

1) [Movement Command Window]
Arrive at location by spending 50,000 Zen from the Travel Command Window.
2) [Go on foot]
You can enter via the entrance at
 Elveland 3 (182, 195).



- Use MU Helper Plus to go to Elemental hunting ground (Main/Sub-Main) of your choice. 

- Tormenta Island is an Elemental Hunting Ground where monsters with certain elemental attributes appear.

- There is a Safe Zone in the map and entering the hunting ground or upon Character's Death or upon Reconnecting you will be sent to the Safe Zone.

- Monsters have Excellent DMG Rate Resistance, Crit DMG Rate Resistance, DMG Absoprtion,

  and Debuff Rate Resistance. 

- Shock Attributes have been added to Tormenta Island Monsters.

  (Tormenta Island Monsters will have a 9.5% Chance for Shock to be Applied.)

3) Main Dropped Items

Main Dropped Items

Excellent Lightning Armor

Apocalypse Talisman of Chaos Combination Fragment

4) Tormenta Island Monsters


Storm Guard



A Monster that
 performs melee attacks

by swinging a giant hammer


Storm Reaper



A Monster that

performs melee attacks

by striking rapidly with swords in both hands.


Storm Fiend



A Monster that

performs ranged attacks

ith the lightning in both its hands