Rune Mage

Rune Mage 4th Class

Rune Mage 4th Class Change & Skill Upgrade Tree [Update Story]

Rune Mage 4th Class Change Update

  • Class Change StatusNAME
    4th Class ChangeMajestic Rune Wizard

  • 1. Rune Mage 4th Class Change Quest

  • 1) Getting Rune Mage 4th Class Change Quest
    • 3rd class changed Rune Mages whose level are 800 and can receive the 4th class quest from NPC Cent (131, 147) in Lorencia.
    • 4th Class Change Quest Objectives Summary

      a) 1st Quest - Cent's Trial
      i. Objective: Defeat NPC Cent in a duel
      ii. Reward: Stat points - 20P

      b) 2nd Quest - New Battle (1)
      iii. Objective: Survive the Larvae, Skeleton Warriors, Cyclopes for a set amount of time in the Deep Dungeon
      iv. Reward: Stat points - 30P

      c) 3nd Quest - New Battle (2)
      v. Objective: NPC Cent, Win the battle against the monsters in the Deep Dungeon in a set amount of time
      vi. Reward: Stat points - 50P, Grey Scroll of Forgetfulness

Rune Mage Skill Upgrade Tree

  • 1. Skill Upgrade Tree
  • 1) Using Skill Upgrade Tree
    • ① Rune Mages who completed the 4th class change can open the Skill Upgrade Tree by pressing [Ctrl + A].
    • ② Players can spend their skill points to upgrade the skills they want. Skill points can be obtained when a character gains a new level.

  • 2. Skill Upgrade Tree
  • 1) Upgrade Magic Arrow

  • Magic ArrowPoint Setting
    Option nameDescription
    Upgrade Magic ArrowIncreases the Attack of the Magic Arrow skill.1/20
    Number of Damage +1Adds 1 damage when attacking with the Magic Arrow skill.15/15
    Increase Additional Damage ChanceIncreases the chance of inflicting additional damage when using the Magic Arrow skill.1/20
    Increase Splash Damage AreaIncreases the splash area by 1 tile when using the Magic Arrow skill.10/10
    Increase Splash TargetIncreases the number of splash damage targets by 1.10/10
    Increase Skill DamageIncreases the damage of the Magic Arrow skill.1/20
    Increase Weapon Spellpower (%)Increases the Spellpower of the weapon when using the Magic Arrow skill.1/20

  • 2) Upgrade Plasma Ball

  • Plasma BallPoint Setting
    Option nameDescription
    Upgrade Plasma BallIncreases the Attack of the Plasma Ball skill.1/20
    Number of Damage +1Adds 1 damage when attacking with the Plasma Ball skill.15/15
    Increase Additional Damage ChanceIncreases the chance of inflicting additional damage when using the Plasma Ball skill.1/20
    Decrease Movement Speed/Movement DistanceDecreases the movement speed and distance of the Plasma Ball.
    The duration of Plasma Ball remains the same.
    Increase TargetIncreases the number of targets for the Plasma Ball by 1.10/10
    Increase Skill DamageIncreases the damage of the Plasma Ball skill.1/20
    Increase WeaponIncreases the Spellpower of the weapon when using the Plasma Ball1/20
    Spellpower (%)skill.

  • Upgradeable Debuff
  • 3) Upgrade Lightning Storm

  • Lightning StormPoint Setting
    Option nameDescription
    Upgrade Lightning StormIncreases the Attack of the Lightning Storm skill.1/20
    Number of Damage +1Adds 1 damage when attacking with the Lightning Storm skill.15/15
    Increase Additional Damage ChanceIncreases the chance of inflicting additional damage when using the Lightning Storm skill.1/20
    Increase Attack SpeedIncreases the Attack Speed when using the Lightning Storm skill.1/10
    Increase RangeIncreases the range of the Lightning Storm skill by 1 tile.10/10
    Increase Skill DamageIncreases the damage of the Lightning Storm skill.1/20
    Increase WeaponIncreases the Spellpower of the weapon when using the Lightning1/20
    Spellpower (%)Storm skill.

  • Upgradeable Debuff

  • 3. Other
    • Debuff options, debuff explosion, passive options are common options shared by all classes and remain unchanged.