Known Issues
Known Issues after the Scheduled Maintenance on July 25, 2023
Dear MUtizens, Please note that issue has been found regarding the level rewards from the Speed Server Benefits after the maintenance at 25th of July. For details in regards, please refer to the below. 1. The rewards item wrongly stated as "+11 Excellent Weapon +Luck" at the web page instead ...
Known Issues
Known Issue after the Scheduled Maintenance on July 11, 2023 (Added)(Fixed)
Dear MUtizens, Please note that the an additional issue has been found and fixed. (2023/07/17 UTC) [Issue found] 1. The use of Skill Enhancement Tree Initialization unavailable after purchase. The issue has been fixed 04:00, 17th of July and we ask the users affected to try once again. We apo...
Known Issues
Known Issue after the Scheduled Maintenance on June 20, 2023 (Fixed)
Greetings MUtizens, Below are the known issue after the temporary maintenance on 20th of June, 2023. 1. Event Notices being directed to error pages. -Currently, MU Pass JUNE event notice and Elemental Capsule Ranking tab are found to be affected. -The issue will be resolved as soon as possible. * ...
Known Issues
Known Issues after the Temporary Maintenance on May 26, 2022
Greetings MUtizens, Below are the known issues after the temporary maintenance on May 26, 2022. 1. Modification of certain characters' class and master level information -The issue will be resolved by the upcoming maintenance. 2. Disappearance of certain characters' Expanded Inventory and the i...
Known Issues
Regarding Play 50 times for Special Muun Rewards (Modified)
(Modified on March 15, 2022 (UTC)) Greetings, "Play 50 times for Special Muun"event reward is fixed to apply the correct amount of stats. Also, the previousDragon Knight / Legendary Dark Wizard / Bell Muun items are deleted, and compensation rewards are distributed for players who had owned the ...
Known Issues
Regarding Monster Soul Converter item description. (Resolved)
Dear MUtizens, We inform you that the period of disabling to purchase of converter items is being misinformed in the item description. The purchasable period of the converter item is as below. Period on Sale:09:00 on Tuesday to 22:30 21:30 on Monday (UTC). The item description will be modified...
Known Issues
Disconnections due to network issue (Resolved)
Dear MUtizens, Please be informed that disconnections may occur due to network issues at the moment. You may get disconnected when logging in to the server. Please bear with us, as our technicians are currently working hard to resolve the issue. We will update you as soon as the issue is resolved...
Known Issues
[Known issues] Regarding errors in the Ranking and Hall of Fame page on the website
Greetings Mutizens, There are errors in the Ranking and Hall of Fame pages on the current website. - Chaos Castle Rankingdoesn't appear. -The wrong information of the country.(Ranking / Hall of Fame) (Fixed) -Same character information appears twice. (Hall of Fame) (Fixed) Our tech team are well ...
Known Issues
[Known issues] Regarding Accounts trying to access to gold channel without Gold channel ticket
Greetings Mutizens, If the gold channel ticket is not activated account tries to access the gold channel, The game client shuts down. our tech team are well aware of the issue and is doing our best to resolve the issue. We truly apologize for inconvenience that this issue has caused on your end. We...
Known Issues
Issue regarding Season 16 Part 1-2 ROULETTE POINTS Ranking Event(3rd WEEK) Ranking List
We sincerely apologize for inconvenience that this issue has caused.