1. Fixed Fire Skill Description
1) Skill Description
- Using Fixed Fire slightly reduces DEF but increases Attack Speed and Wizardry.

2. Fixed Fire Skill
1) Fixed Fire Skill Acquisition
① Fixed Fire skill bead is sold by 'Marce'(36.218) NPC in Elveland.
Requirement to learn skill | Required Stat |
Energy | 300 |
2) Fixed Fire Skill Effects
(1) Apply or remove skill effects
① Adjust ATK Speed, Wizardry, and Defense attributes setting that increases pending stats.
② 'Right click' on the buff icon on the top of the screen to remove the buff.
3. Master Skill Tree Option
1) Add master skill tree skill enhancement option
(1) Option Settings
Options | Strengthener Points | Option Settings |
Fixed Fire Strengthener | 1 / 20 | Wizardry increases by the amount of the option when the Fixed Fire buff is used. |
Fixed Fire Mastery | 1 / 10 | Attack Speed increases by the amount of the option when the Fixed Fire buff is used. |