Adjusted EXP Gained
- - Adjusted EXP gained within game.
- - Please refer to the table below for adjusted EXP.
Compare previous/new EXP | ||||
Character LV. | Monster | Monster LV. | Previous EXP | New EXP |
100 | Larva | 25 | 181 | 291 |
Yeti | 30 | 275 | 439 | |
Elite Yeti | 36 | 420 | 595 | |
200 | Elite Grizzly | 48 | 422 | 829 |
Poison Shadow | 50 | 468 | 910 | |
Cursed Wizard | 54 | 568 | 1056 | |
300 | Alquamos | 75 | 1132 | 1912 |
Iron Wheel | 80 | 1450 | 2265 | |
Satyros | 85 | 1783 | 2618 | |
400 | Sapi-Unus | 95 | 2137 | 3076 |
Berserker | 100 | 2556 | 3511 | |
Bone Scorpion | 103 | 2770 | 3738 | |
500 | Ruthless Lava Giant | 113 | 3312 | 4296 |
Uruk Devilfairy | 115 | 3461 | 4458 | |
Berserker Warrior | 123 | 4230 | 5214 | |
Kentauros Warrior | 126 | 4558 | 5520 | |
Erohim | 128 | 4811 | 5736 | |
600 | Bloody Orc | 114 | 3113 | 3906 |
Bloody Golem | 117 | 3386 | 4201 | |
Death Centurion (Kalima7) | 130 | 4598 | 5503 | |
Coolutin | 132 | 4847 | 5745 | |
Ice Napin | 135 | 5103 | 6005 | |
700 | Uruk Elemental Knight | 119 | 3308 | 3818 |
Dreadfear | 123 | 3652 | 4221 | |
Shadow Master | 137 | 5043 | 5738 | |
Dark Mammoth | 140 | 5387 | 6084 | |
Iron Knight | 142 | 5557 | 6276 | |
750 | Narcondra | 120 | 3356 | 3625 |
Sapi Queen | 131 | 4280 | 4756 | |
Dark Giant | 143 | 5497 | 6082 | |
Dark Coolutin | 145 | 5766 | 6336 | |
Dark Iron Knight | 148 | 6131 | 6706 |
Adjusted Party EXP
- - Formula for distributing EXP Loot in party has been changed.
- - Please refer to the table below for Additional EXP modified depending on the number of party members
Classification | 2 Players | 3 Players | 4 Players | 5 Players |
General Party | 2% | 3% | 4% | 5% |
Set Party | _ | 5% | 6% | 7% |
- - Party members share EXP according to their levels based on the EXP earned by the highest Lv. character in the party.
- ▶ Ex.1 EXP acquired is distributed 5:5 equally when two characters with Lv. 500 join the party.
- ▶ Ex.2 When Lv.300, Lv.300, Lv.400 characters join the party, they share EXP with a ratio of 3:3:4 including Additional EXP 3% based on EXP earned by Lv.400 character.
- ▶ If the EXP earned by Lv.400 character solely is 1,000, Lv.400 character acquires 412 EXP
Lv.300 character acquires 309 EXP.
EXP Distribution depending on the amount of Damage
- - If a lot of players attack one monster they receive EXP only based on the amount of DMG they deal.
- - The amount of DMG each player or party deals to monster is converted to % based on monster's HP 100%.
- ▶ Ex. If character A deals 60,000 damage and character B deals a 40,000 damage to monster with 100,000 HP, character A receives 60% of solo EXP and character B receives 40% after defeating a monster.
- ▶ In case they join the party as well, they receive EXP based on % of amount of DMG according to ratio of character's level.
"Change Class" Quest
- - Quest description previously only checked through the Quest NPCs is now available from 'My Quests Window(T)' as well.
Quest Journal
- - Quest progress can be checked via Quest Journal in real time.
- - Quest is automatically registered to journal when you accept the Quest via NPC.
- ▶ Class Change quest and Marlon quest can't be registered.
- - The quest log in quest journal disappears when completing the quest (Complete via NPC).
- - When completing the quest, quest journal window displays it in green.
- - When completing the quest, 'Quest Completed' message is displayed on the top of quest journal. Click the message to open the 'My Quest' window.
- - Open/close the quest journal window via the right arrow on the top of quest journal UI.

Mass Combination System
- - Combination System has been modified so that a large amount of items can be generated at a time.
- - Up to N number of combination is available via Mass combination at a time.
- ▶ The number of Max combination differs depending on each combination item.
- ▶ Charm type items can't be used in Mass Combination.
- - Combination materials as much as the number of combination are required.
- - Combination cost as much as the number of combination generated is applied.
- - Success rate is individually applied when attempting Mass Combination.
- - Recipe for Mass Combination
Combination Name | Max number of combination at a time | Combination NPC |
Fruit | 16 | Chaos Goblin |
Dinorant | 2 | |
Cloak of Invisibility | 6 | |
Devil Square Ticket | 8 | |
SD Recovery Potion (Small) | 32 | |
SD Recovery Potion (Medium) | 32 | |
SD Recovery Potion (Large) | 32 | |
Potion of Blessing | 25 | |
Potion of Soul | 25 | |
Golden Box | 16 | |
Silver Box | 16 | |
Refine (Higher Refining Stone) | 8 | Osbourne |
Refine (Lower Refining Stone) | 8 | |
Jewel of Harmony | 32 | Elpis |
Reinforced Mt. Uruk Boss Zone
- - 6 Entrances are blocked if characters go near the Lord Silvester.
- - If characters don't exist near Lord Silvester for 60 sec, Entrances are reopen, and Lord Silvester's HP is fully recovered.
- ▶ Objects blocking the entrance don't take any damage.