Buying Back
1. Buying backBuying back feature - You can rebuy the items that you have sold to NPC within 24 hours. You should pay a fee
when rebuying.
Condition for buying back - You can rebuy all “Expensive items.”
- Warning window pops up when you try to sell the “Expensive items.”
- If no warning message pops up when trying to sell an item, you cannot buy back the item.
- When you rebuy an item, 10% of the price of the item will be paid as a fee.
- You can rebuy items within 24 hours after you sold.
- You cannot rebuy time-limited items.
- You can rebuy up to last 5 items that you sold recently.

Game Tip Bar
1. Change in Game Tip BarRolling Text Type - The game tip bar has been changed from Scroll Type to Rolling Text Type
so that users can read the game tip text more comfortably.
Changes in Quest UI
1. Changes in Quest UILocation of Quest Window - The issues that Quest window pops up and hides player’s character has been fixed.
- The default location where Quest window pops up is the left side of the character.
Quest Window - Skip button has been removed and you can see the whole text of a quest in one window.
Hot key for multiple choice - Now you can choose an option in the Quest window by simply pressing number key.
The design of the Quest accept button is now more recognizable.
The text for the “OK” button in the Quest window has been changed to “Complete.”
Other UIs
1.Event and Battle Core Banner- Icons which were displayed separately for events and battle core have been combined
as a banner.
- You can see all banners by clicking “Unfold” button.
2. Pet Window
Pet window - Pet window has been moved to the right side of the screen.
- You can move the window wherever you want.
Hide/Show button - You can hide health bars of your pets by clicking “-“ button.
- If you click “ㅁ” button, you can see the health bars of your pets.
- There is also Hide/Show button in the Party member health bar.
Logging out message
Logging out message - The color and font of logging out message have been changed to more recognizable one.Immobile Character while Logging Out - Now you cannot move your character while logging out