
Ability Cards

1) Ability Card Basic Settings

1-1) Ability Card Details

- Ability Cards are Categorized into [Skill] / [Option] / [Elite] Cards.

- An Ability Card can be Upgraded up to Level 5.

1-2) Ability Card Book

- Check Obtained and Unobtained Cards with the Ability Card Book for each Class.

- Drag-and-Drop Ability Cards from the Card Book to Equip them.

Ability Cards


[Skill] Ability

Sub-Skills are Activated when Equipping and Using “[Skill] Ability Cards”,
 Applying Ability Effects.

[Option] Ability

Consists of various Options such as ATK, Skillpower, DEF,
 and can be Equipped in the Slots of the corresponding color and Type from 1 to 5.

[Elite] Ability

Consists of Chance Options and greater Options,
 and can be Equipped in the Slots of the corresponding type of each color.

2) Ability Crafting

2-1) Chaos Goblin Crafting

Ability Cards can be Crafted at the Noria NPC 'Chaos Goblin' (Noria: 180, 103).


Card Combination Details


Option Abilities

[Option] Ability Cards can be Selected from Types 1 to 5, and the color is decided at random.

Elite Abilities

A color can be Selected when Crafting
 [Elite] Ability Cards.

[Skill] Abilities

When Crafting Skill Ability Cards,
 the resulting Skill differs according to your Class.

Ability Upgrade Stone

Combination Materials Required for Increasing Ability Card Levels can be made through Crafting.

3) Crafting [Skill] Ability Cards

3-1) Crafting Settings

Main Materials

Jewel Materials



Combination Result

Ability Crystal x50

Jewel of Bless x10

100,000,000 Zen


 [Skill] Ability Card

3-2)[Skill] Ability Card Details per Class


Skill Name

Additional Effect

Dark Wizard

Meteor Storm of Gale

Increase ATK Speed

Dark Knight

Sword Blow of Fire

Area of effect increased

Dark Knight

Strike of Destruction of Gale

Increase ATK Speed


Raining Arrow of Fire

Area of effect increased


Holy Bolt of Gale

Increase ATK Speed

Magic Gladiator

Chaos Blade of Fire

Area of effect increased

Magic Gladiator

Havok Spear of Fury

Adds Splash DMG

Dark Lord

Wind Soul of Fire

Area of effect increased


Fire Beast of Fire

Area of effect increased


Death Scythe of Fury

Adds Splash DMG

Rage Fighter

Dark Scythe of Fire

Area of effect increased

Rage Fighter

Spirit Hook of Fire

Area of effect increased

Grow Lancer

Oversting of Fire

Area of effect increased

Grow Lancer

Wild Breche of Gale

Increase ATK Speed

Rune Mage

Lightning Storm of Gale

Increase ATK Speed


Pierce Attack of Fire

Area of effect increased

Gun Crusher

Bursting Flare of Gale

Increase ATK Speed

White Wizard

Sphere Storm of Fire

Area of effect increased


Ultimate Force of Fire

Area of effect increased

Illusion Knight

Blade Storm of Fire

Area of effect increased

- Ability Skills can be used when Equipping [Skill] Ability Cards, and also when Upgrading Upgrade Skills in the Skill Upgrade Tree.

3-3) Additional Options

- All Skill Cards have 1 Option out of HP Increase, MP Increase, and AG Increase created at Random.

4) Crafting [Option] Ability Cards

4-1) Crafting Settings

Main Materials

Jewel Materials



Combination Result

Ability Crystal x5

Jewel of Bless x1

10,000,000 Zen


[Option] Ability Cards


- Types 1 to 5 can be Selected when Crafting [Option] Ability Cards.

4-2) Types 1 - 5 Options (Blue/Purple/Green)

- Options are the same across colors, and the colors are decided at Random when Crafting.

- Options vary for each Type from Types 1 to 5.


Option Name



Option Name

Type 1

Strength Increase
Fire Element ATK Increase
Elemental ATK Increase
Fire Element DEF Increase
Critical DMG Increase
Double DMG Increase
Min ATK Increase
Min Wizardry Increase
Min Curse Increase
Nuke ATK Increase
Bolt ATK Increase
Wide ATK Increase
 Extra DEF Increase

Type 2

Agility Increase
Water Element ATK Increase
Elemental ATK Success Chance Increase
Water Element DEF Increase
ATK Success Chance Increase
Lv. 5 Wings ATK Increase
Lv. 5 Wings Wizardry Increase
Lv. 5 Wings Curse Increase
Skillpower 1-Slot Increase
Skillpower 2-Slot Increase
Skillpower 3-Slot Increase
Nuke Critical Chance (%)
Bolt Critical Chance (%)
 Wide Critical Chance (%)


Option Name


Option Name

Type 3

Increase Stamina
Earth Element ATK Increase
Pentagram ATK Increase
Earth Element DEF Increase
Excellent DMG Increase
Increases ATK every 20 Levels
Increases Wizardry every 20 Levels
Increases Curse every 20 Levels
Max ATK Increase
Max Wizardry Increase
Max Curse Increase
Skillpower Increase
Nuke ATK Increase
Bolt ATK Increase
Wide ATK Increase
 Extra DEF Increase

Type 4

Energy Increase
Wind Element ATK Increase
Elemental DEF Increase
Wind Element DEF Increase
DEF Success Chance Increase
Elemental DEF Success Chance Increase
Lv. 5 Wings DEF Increase
Pentagram DEF Increase
DEF Increase
Shield DEF Increase
Nuke Critical Chance (%)
Bolt Critical Chance (%)
 Wide Critical Chance (%)


Option Name



Type 5

Shock Defense Success Chance Increase
Darkness Element ATK Increase
Darkness Element DEF Increase
Poisoning DMG Increase
Toxic DMG Increase
Increase Mastery ATK
Increase Mastery Wizardry
Increases Mastery Curse
Bleeding DMG Increase
Severe Bleeding DMG Increase
Nuke ATK Increase
Bolt ATK Increase
Wide ATK Increase
 Extra DEF Increase




5) [Elite] Ability Card Crafting

5-1) Crafting Settings

Main Materials

Jewel Materials



Combination Result

Ability Crystal x25

Jewel of Bless x5

50,000,000 Zen


[Elite] Ability Card


Ability Upgrade Stone x5


- A color can be Selected when Crafting [Elite] Ability Cards.

- Combination Probability related to [Elite] Ability Card Crafting can be checked through [Game Info - Probability Info - Ability Upgrade Cores].

5-2) Option Details per Color


Option Name


Option Name


Option Name


Full HP Recover Chance (%)
Skillpower 1-Slot Increase
Crit DMG Chance (%)
Double DMG Chance (%)
Extra DEF Increase
Nuke Excellent Chance (%)
Bolt Excellent Chance (%)
 Wide Excellent Chance (%)


AP Recovery Increase
Skillpower 2-Slot Increase
Excellent DMG Chance (%)
Ignore Enemy Defense Chance (%)
Extra DEF Increase
Nuke Double DMG Chance (%)
Bolt Double DMG Chance (%)
 Wide Double DMG Chance (%)


Full MP Recover Chance (%)
Skillpower 3-Slot Increase
Additional DMG Chance (%)
Triple DMG Chance (%)
Extra DEF Increase
Nuke Triple DMG Chance (%)
Bolt Triple DMG Chance (%)
 Wide Triple DMG Chance (%)


Ability Upgrade Stone x5


Ability Upgrade Stone x5


Ability Upgrade Stone x5

6) Ability Card Level-Up and Salvaging

- Right-Click Obtained Ability Cards to access the “Ability Level-Up/Salvage" Features.

Ability Card Level-Up



Ability Card Level-Up
- Card Count Increases when Obtaining an already-Obtained Card, and duplicate Cards can be used with “Ability Upgrade Stones” to Increase Levels of a Selected Ability Card.

- The amount of “Ability Cards” and “Ability Upgrade Stones” required for Level-Up can be checked in the UI.

Ability Card Max Level
 - An Ability Card can be Upgraded up to Level 5.

Ability Card Salvaging


Ability Card Salvaging
- Duplicate Ability Cards can be Salvaged into
“Ability Upgrade Stones”.

A Card cannot be Salvaged when btained for the very first time.

“Ability Upgrade Stone” Salvage Amount per Ability Card Type
- x10 Ability Upgrade Stones when Salvaging [Skill] Ability Cards
- x5 Ability Upgrade Stones when Salvaging [Elite] Ability Cards
 - x1 Ability Upgrade Stones when Salvaging [Option] Ability Cards